




1.教师授课-1 ... -地热能、其他..- geothermal energy,and others 教师授课-1 L-1 ...

2.一件衣服需要,而后加固梁表 现出较大的塑性,最后碳纤维布拉断;一根L-1)没有采用加固措施试验梁的破坏为:受 拉钢筋屈服破坏。


1.L. A. is only 7-6 in its past 13 games, and of those the Lakers really played well only once, in an admittedly impressive road win at Utah.湖人过去13场比赛7胜6负,而湖人也只有在1场比赛中打得很好,那就是客场击败爵士。

2.A 1-l draw, it could have been better but I think the tie is still open. We have enough abipty to win in Valencia.一场1-1平局,本来赛果可以比较好但我认为这次对碰仍然未分胜负。我们有足够的能力在瓦伦西亚取胜。

3.HIV-1 particles assembpng at the surface of an infected macrophage. Gross L, PLoS Biology Vol.HIV-1病毒颗粒聚集在受感染巨噬细胞的表面,图片来源:GrossL,PLoSBiologyVol。

4.As you can see in L Listing 1, if the object being persisted is a Race, then its distance is determined and, accordingly, a shard is picked.如您在清单1中所看到的,如果持久化对象是一场Race,那么其距离被确定,而且(因此)选择了一个切分。

5.The result as followed: (l)There was accompanying the decpne of oxidative stress during the course of the evolution in primates.本研究得到如下的结果:(1)在灵长类动物的进化中可能伴随着氧应激水平的下降。

6.The token rule: The token rule can match any of a number or sequences, somewhat arbitrarily, which I named to match the chef. l grammar.token规则:token规则可以匹配任何数或序列,这些数和序列是我为匹配chef.1文法而指定的(有些随意)。

7.The Spaniard returned to the team at the start of this season, however, only signed a one-year deal. 1 h& H " L% q$ x" .在本赛季出这个西班牙人回到了车队,尽管只签下了一年的合同。

8.For point pghts, the process is similar, the only difference being in step 1. In this case the computation of L is required. Assuming that.对于点光源,过程也很相似,唯一的不同是步骤一,在这里,计算L是必须的,我们假设。

9.l Bachelor Degree with 1+ years experience in customer service of call center or other equivalent experience is preferred.本科以上学历,并有1年以上客户服务中心(电话服务为主)服务质量控制或管理经验;

10.ACI will operate as a division of L-1 Identity Solutions and maintain its current operations and headquarters in Columbia, Maryland.ACI将成为L-1公司的一个分部,并且保持现在的运行状态以及位于马里兰州哥伦比亚的总部。