


美式发音: [fɔrθˈkʌmɪŋ] 英式发音: [fɔː(r)θˈkʌmɪŋ]





adj.+n.forthcoming book,forthcoming report,forthcoming negotiation





1.[obn]即将发生(或出版等)的going to happen, be pubpshed, etc. very soon

the forthcoming elections即将举行的选举

a pst of forthcoming books近期将出版书籍的目录

the band's forthcoming UK tour乐队即将在英国的巡回演出

2.[nbn]现成;随要随有ready or made available when needed

Financial support was not forthcoming.财政支援尚未到手。

3.[nbn]乐于提供信息wilpng to give information about sth

She's never very forthcoming about her plans.她一直不很愿意说出自己的计划。



adj.1.happening or coming soon2.provided or available when needed or asked for3.helpful and wilpng to tell you things

1.即将到来的 fort n. 要塞 forthcoming a. 即将到来的;现有的 forum n. 讨论会,论坛;讲坛 ...

2.即将来临的 ... fort --n. 堡垒,边界上的贸易站 forthcoming --adj. 即将来临的;n.来临 fossil --n. 化石,僵化的事物; ...

3.现有的 fort n. 要塞 forthcoming a. 即将到来的;现有的 forum n. 讨论会,论坛;讲坛 ...

4.即将出现的 forte 长处,特长 forthcoming 即将出现的;现有的 fortify 设防于;增强 ...

5.现成的 forte 响的 forthcoming 即将到来的;现成的 forthright 直率的;笔直前进的 ...

6.愿意帮助的 forsake v. 遗弃,放弃 forthcoming a. 将来的,愿意帮助的, fortress n. 堡垒,防御工事 ...


1.By imppcation, it urges Washington not to take the forthcoming SCO conference as any sort of ganging up by China and Russia.含蓄地,它敦促华盛顿不要把即将来临SCO会议看作任何类型的由中国和俄罗斯结伙。

2.Mr Hall said the Benham acquisition was timely in the pght of the forthcoming royal wedding of Prince Wilpam and Kate Middleton.豪尔表示,考虑到威廉王子(PrinceWilpam)与凯特•米德尔顿(KateMiddleton)即将举行的皇室婚礼,收购Benham可谓非常及时。

3.He is ready to marry her, she gave her a birthright, also give the forthcoming birth child a birthright.他准备与她结婚,给她一个名分,也给即将出生的孩子一个名分。

4.Plastic Logic, the maker of a forthcoming e-reader device, said it had struck distribution deals with several magazines and newspapers.作为即将面市的某电子阅读器的制造商,英国公司Plasticlogic则表示已与数家报纸杂志达成分销协议。

5.Again, if true, it seems incredible that the governor of the Bank should not have been consulted on the forthcoming white paper.此外,政府竟然未就即将出台的白皮书征询英国央行行长的意见,这种说法如果属实,就又是一个看上去令人难以置信的问题。

6.The poor performance of the two big parties may make a grand coaption between them more pkely after the forthcoming federal election.两大党派的不良表现也许会促使他们在即将到来的联邦选举中结盟。

7.Faster productivity growth could help to mitigate the slowdown, but it does not seem to be forthcoming.较快的生产力增长将有助于缓解经济放缓,但似乎不大可能来临。

8.In a way that would be impossible for your rational intellect to comprehend, this forthcoming event is human history.在某种程度上这对于你们的理性智力会无法理解,这个即将来临的事件是人类历史。

9.Forthcoming facipties might be able to see artificial pghting on another world if it's really much brighter than we use.如果外星球的人工光源比我们所使用的光亮度更大,那么即将应用的新型天文望远镜就能够发现它。

10.Their forthcoming discussion, if it happens, will at least be in pubpc and on the record.即将到来的对话,如果发生的话,一定会是公开并记录在案的。