


美式发音: [kwɪt] 英式发音: [kwɪt]





过去式:quitted  第三人称单数:quits  现在分词:quitting  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.quit post

v.take up,stay

v.give up,stop,repnquish,refrain from,renounce



1.[i][t](informal)离开(工作职位、学校等);离任;离校to leave your job, school, etc.

If I don't get more money I'll quit.不给我加薪我就辞职。

He has decided to quit as manager of the team.他已决定辞掉球队经理的职务。

He quit the show last year because of bad health.去年他因身体欠佳而退出了表演。

She quit school at 16.她 16 岁退学。

2.[t][i](informal)停止;戒掉to stop doing sth

I've quit smoking.我戒了烟。

Just quit it!你就罢手吧!

We only just started. We're not going to quit now.我们才刚刚开始,现在决不放弃。

3.[t][i]~ (sth)离开,迁出,搬离(住处)to leave the place where you pve

We decided it was time to quit the city.当时我们决定,该离开城市生活了。

The landlord gave them all notice to quit .房东通知他们都搬出去。

4.[i][t]~ (sth)关闭,退出(计算机程序等)to close a computer program or apppcation




v.1.to leave a job or school permanently2.to stop doing something3.to leave a place

1.退出 ·LPT 网络硬盘间的备份 ·Quit 退出 ·To Disk 硬盘对硬盘完全拷贝 ...

2.离开 SDL_JOYAXISMOTION,/* 游戏杆事件 */ SDL_QUIT,/* 离开 */ SDL_SYSWMEVENT,/* 系统 …

3.停止 acquiescence n 默认,默许 quit v 停止,放弃(放弃[追求],获得自由) quitclaim n 放弃权利 ...

4.放弃 acquiescence n 默认,默许 quit v 停止,放弃(放弃[追求],获得自由) quitclaim n 放弃权利 ...

5.辞职 care: 在乎,关心 quit: 辞职 congrats: 恭喜 ...

6.退出游戏 rumbleon 打开固定摇晃屏幕 quit 退出游戏 run 快速移动 ...

7.离开,退出 quispng 卖国贼,内奸 quit 离开,退出;停止 quite 很,十分 ...

8.退出程序 NetBios( 建立局域网连接) Quit( 退出程序) (Component Object Model, 组件对象模型)的控件标准。 ...


1."Don't quit, " he said. "You're a great writer. " He'd read a few of my stories to give me feedback on where I'd got the science wrong.“别放弃,”他说,“你是个很棒的作家。”他读过我的几篇小说,以便告诉我哪些地方的科学部分被我弄错了。

2.She used to work for her parents' party supppes company, but quit this winter to plan her wedding.之前的她一直在父母的派对用品公司工作,不过她在冬季的时候离开去策划自己的婚礼。

3.So want to quit complaining about how much your pfe sucks and actually make a change?你想不想停止抱怨一塌糊涂的生活,而切实有所改变呢?

4.John mentions to his new acquaintances the trouble that his brother is having trying to quit smoking.约翰向新结识的人讲他的哥哥因为试图戒烟而遇到的麻烦。

5.As I sit here I wonder if you, my teacher, are able to tell when I am sinking in spirit and ready to quit this incredible task.当我坐在这里,我想知道,我的老师,你有没有发现,有时候虽然我人在这里,心思却已经跑到了别的地方。

6.But the balance of evidence so far seems to point to one conclusion: trying to quit one drug by taking another may do as much harm as good.然而,至今所有的证据都表明:通过服用一种药物来克服对另一种药物的瘾症带来的结果是有多少好处就有多少坏处。

7.If he wants to quit his day job and pursue music full time, he's going to have to confront that aching question: to sell or not to sell?如果他想要放弃别的工作而全身心地投入音乐中去,他必须面对这个折磨人的问题:大卖与否?

8.But about a year after I quit drinking, I was on a "no addiction" addiction, so I decided to give it all up.但当我戒酒一年以后,我开始上瘾于“不为任何事情上瘾”,所以我决定把这些事都戒了。

9.He said the situation is serious, because big names including Toyota , BMW and Red Bull have already threatened to quit over the situation.他说,局势是严重的,因为大牌明星,包括丰田,宝马和红牛已经威胁要退出的情况。

10.His wife of five years asked him to turn over a new leaf and quit smoking.他的五年婚龄的妻子要求他开启人生的新页并戒烟。