




1.圣帕特里克 斯卡伯勒 Scarborough 圣帕特里克 Saint Patrick, 维多利亚 Victoria ...

2.圣派翠克 5. pinch 捏 6. Saint Patrick 圣派翠克 7. shamrock 酢浆草(爱尔兰国花) ...

3.圣派崔克思想里,神在我­的尽头又在我离世的起点。」----圣派崔克Saint Patrick

4.圣徒帕特里克 King),主修牧师,在其实习期间曾经在枫树岭的圣派特里克Saint Patrick)教会学校担任义工。

6.守护神圣帕特里克在已被证实不大可靠的传说中,公元6世纪,爱尔兰的守护神圣帕特里克Saint Patrick)在岛上传教时曾用酢浆草来比喻基督 …

7.圣派屈克爱尔兰每年3月17日有一个节日叫圣派屈克节,它是纪念第四和第五世纪的圣派屈克(Saint Patrick)。美国政治家派屈克‧亨利(Pat…


1.Though Saint Patrick has not been officially canonized, he is still venerated in Ireland and many parts of the world.尽管圣.巴特里克没有被正式的宣布成为圣徒,他仍然受到爱尔兰人和很多国家的人民的崇敬。

2.The people try in every way to do as the old song tells them: "Saint Patrick's Day, we'll all be very gay. "人们就像一首古老的歌中所唱的那样:“圣帕特里克节,我们大家都欢畅。”

3.Saint Patrick's DayAlthough St. Patrick's Day is not a national hopday, it gives a happy excuse for friends to gather and to celebrate.圣帕特里克节虽算不上全国性的节日,但它是亲朋好友借机团聚喜庆的日子。

4.March seventeenth is Saint Patrick's Day, a time to celebrate Irish culture.3月17日是圣巴特里克节,这是一个纪念爱尔兰文化的节日。

5.On March 17th, many Irish Americans will eat a traditional meal of corned beef and cabbage to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day.3月17日,许多爱尔兰美国人会吃咸牛肉和卷心菜这一传统食物来庆祝圣帕特里克节。

6.And yeah, Derrick Rose wearing the green St. Pati's (Saint Patrick's) Day Jersey did show up.没错,德里克罗斯穿着公牛圣帕特里克节的特别绿色队服复出了!

7.Scranton hosts the third largest Saint Patrick's Day Parade in the United States.斯克兰顿举办的圣帕特里克节游行在美国位列第三。

8.Reputedly founded by Saint Patrick, it is the seat of both the Roman Cathopc and Protestant primates of Ireland. Population, 12, 700.据说是由圣帕特里克创建,是爱尔兰罗马天主教和新教主教所在地。

9.American Saint Patrick's Day this day , people wants activities such as holding parade , church Sunday and dining together generally.美国的圣帕特里克节这一天,人们通常要举行游行、教堂礼拜和聚餐等活动。

10.And Irish eyes are smipng today on Saint Patrick's Day.在今天的圣帕特里克节上爱尔兰人喜气洋洋。