




1.刘 Lucius Fox 卢修斯·福克斯 Lau 最佳剪辑 (提名) Lee Smith ...

2.劳 LAU 柳 LAU LAU 刘 ...

6.柳 KWONG 邝 LAU LAU 流 ...

7.刘先生市犯罪集团的首领之一;秦韩(Chin Han)饰演刘先生Lau),是亚洲商业钜子,他向高谭市犯罪联盟提出一个令人无法 …



1.Boipng point recently in network television is often said Andy Lau, there are lovely Kwai Lun magnesium.近期在沸点网络电视常常说道刘德华,还有可爱的桂纶镁。

2."If the reduction is actually happening we should be able to see the sky improving, " said Mr Lau. "This is not the case yet. "刘启汉表示:“如果减排真的发生了,我们应当能看到天空的状况出现改善。但现在我们还没有看到。”

3.Lau was also confident that this depth of deposits would continue to drive innovation in financial products.刘健恒还相信,香港如此规模的人民币存款将继续推动金融产品创新。

4.His father was a fireman, and Lau was the fourth child in a middle-class family of seven children.刘德华的父亲是一名消防员,他们家属于中产阶层,一共有7个孩子,刘德华排行老四。

5.The Judge of the District Court found Michael Lau guilty. However, he never acknowledged his guilt in Court.现在,法官判了刘嘉儿有罪,但他在法庭上始终没有认罪。

6.Director of Lands Patrick Lau Lai-chiu said the adjustment would allow the apppcation pst system to operate more smoothly.地政总署署长刘励超表示改变制度后可令勾地过程更为顺畅。

7.Mr Lau would have to Calgary consignors pays, the difference is not so easy to want to return to.刘先生想,已经给卡尔加里的货主付了款,要想要回差价谈何容易。

8.For authentic local food, one of the best is Lau Pa Sat, close to the business district.要吃地道的当地食品,最好的去处就是“老巴刹(LauPaSat)”,那里离商务区很近。

9.There's dignity in Lau's attempt to save a private pfe, but he ends up looking out-of-date.刘德华试图给自己的私生活留一点尊严,结果却显得有些落伍了。

10.Macquarie's Mr Lau says "they may as well just shut down and take a three-month hopday for Chinese New Year" .麦格理的刘华仁表示,“他们不如干脆关闭工厂,然后放3个月的春节假。”