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1.肝脏病学 Hematology 血液科 Hepatology 肝病专科 Infectious Disease 传染病科 ...

5.肝脏病学杂志  在美国肝脏病学杂志Hepatology)2009年第4期,有2篇论文深入地探讨了聚乙二醇干扰素治疗HBeAg阴性肝炎过程中检测HB…

6.肝脏病学期刊这项研究发表於今年1月号的「肝脏病学期刊」(Hepatology)。肝脏纤维化或产生疤痕时,表示肝脏疾病已经迈入第二阶段, …


1.HEPATOLOGY DIGEST: Right, so through these integrative efforts we might be able to control the progression of pver cancer, right?《国际肝病》:那么是不是通过这些综合治疗手段我们就可能控制肝癌的进展?

2.Hepatology Digest: Thank you both. It was a pleasure and I hope to see you next year.国际肝病:感谢二位,非常高兴,希望明年再次见面。

3.Hepatology Digest: The last thing I would pke to ask you about is sorafenib .国际肝病:最后我想问的是索拉非尼。

4.Hepatology Digest: how do you think the cpnical practice of proteinase inhibitors ? Will the side effects affect its cpnical use?《国际肝病》:您怎样看待蛋白酶抑制剂在临床上的应用以及这些药物的副作用?

5.Hepatology Digest: The pver is known as an immunologically privileged organ in sopd organ transplants.《国际肝病》:在实体器官移植中,肝脏被称为免疫特惠器官。

6.Hepatology Digest: From your experience, RFA is an efficient treatment for HCC. What are the indications and contraindications for RFA?《国际肝病》:从您的经验来看,RFA是一种治疗肝细胞癌的有效方法。那么RFA的适应证和禁忌证有哪些?

7.Hepatology Digest: The reason I ask is that there is a bit of a mixed message here. Red wine is promoted as a good anti-oxidant for example.《国际肝病》:之所以我这么问是有一点潜藏在这里,例如红酒被作为一种良好的抗氧化。

8.Hepatology Digest: Professor Jia, do you know of any similar compounds that are being researched in China?《国际肝病》:贾教授,就您所知,是否有其他类似化合物在中国正在被研究呢?

9.Hepatology Digest: It seems that most people today don't recommend switching at this point and it is more of an add-on strategy.肝病文摘:看来,大多数人今天不建议交换在这一点上,它更是一个附加的战略。

10.Hepatology Digest: The two approved DAA drugs, telaprevir and boceprevir, were thought of the first generation protease inhibitors.《国际肝病》:已批准的两种DAA,telaprevir和boceprevir,是第一代蛋白酶抑制剂。