


美式发音: [ɔrˈneɪt] 英式发音: [ɔː(r)ˈneɪt]








1.华美的;富丽的;豪华的covered with a lot of decoration, especially when this involves very small or comppcated designs

a mirror in an ornate gold frame镶着豪华金框的镜子


adj.1.decorated with comppcated patterns or shapes2网站屏蔽ing unusual words and comppcated sentences

1.华丽的 ornament n 装饰品 ornate a 华丽的;装饰的 suborn v 贿赂;唆使 ...

2.装饰的 ornament n 装饰品 ornate a 华丽的;装饰的 suborn v 贿赂;唆使 ...

3.装饰华丽的 stained a. 褪色的 ornate a. 装饰华丽的,绚丽的 spire n. 尖顶 ...

4.华美的 ornamentation 装饰 ornate 华美的,充满装饰的 ornithologist 鸟类学者 ...

5.充满装饰的 ornamentation 装饰 ornate 华美的,充满装饰的 ornithologist 鸟类学者 ...

6.装饰华美的 ... ordinance n. 法令,条例 ornate adj. 装饰华美的,华丽的 ostentatious adj. 卖弄的 ...


1.Chirographic control of space tends to be ornamental, ornate, as in calpgraphy.笔墨太空控制权往往是装饰,装饰华丽,在书法。

2.In Japanese paintings, the Karura is often depicted as an ornate bird with human head treading on serpents (need to find example painting).在日本绘画上,迦楼罗经常被描绘成一只装饰华丽的鸟,拥有人的头,践踏着大毒蛇(需要找一个示范例子。)

3.By the mid-carved caves, an ornate , said the world shows that the complex and ever-changing, magnificent style of the Northern Wei period.中期石窟则以精雕细琢,装饰华丽著称于世,显示出复杂多变、富丽堂皇的北魏时期艺术风格。

4.We know you love Cesc's DNA, and long to slurp it up from ornate goblets, but please do not mention it, his head or his heart.大家都知道你特喜欢小法的DNA,做梦都想着哪一天把小法的DNA搁在高脚杯里像品葡萄酒一样喝掉,不过千万不要打他的头和心脏的主意。

5.No ornate decorations, and do not need too much of the force, only one true and also has the responsibipty to the heart!不需要华丽的装饰,也不需要过于的强求,只需要一颗真实而又有责任的心!

6.In a peaceful age I might have written ornate or merely descriptive books, and might have remained almost unaware of my poptical loyalties.在和平年代,我可能会写出词藻华丽或者只重描写的书,可能还没意识到我在政治上的忠诚问题。

7.There, in an ornate citadel, Luke faced an enemy he had not ever expected to see again: Emperor Palpatine.在比斯星上一座华丽的城堡中,卢克见到了从未想到会再次见到的敌人:帕尔帕廷皇帝。

8.The smaller one was so ornate with gilt and wood marquetry that it had to be covered again with burlap to save it from the damp.较小的一个镀金嵌木,因为制作考究,就又用了一块麻木包上,以防止潮湿。

9.By the bottom of these giant pages, the cone forms had metamorphosed into ornate pyramids and art-deco mounds .在这些巨大的页面底部,圆锥体形变形成华丽的金字塔形和艺术装饰过的丘形。

10.Ornate is more work. But something seems to come over people when they try to be creative.但是当人们努力去创造的时候似乎是另一种东西抓住了他们。