


美式发音: [ˈɡrʌbi] 英式发音: ['ɡrʌbi]



比较级:grubbier  最高级:grubbiest  同义词反义词





1.肮脏的;邋遢的;污秽的rather dirty, usually because it has not been washed or cleaned

grubby hands/clothes脏手;脏衣服

2.卑鄙的;可鄙的unpleasant because it involves activities that are dishonest or immoral

a grubby scandal丑闻


adj.1.dirty and needing to be washed2.dishonest and morally bad

1.肮脏的 posh: 优雅的;第一流的 grubby: 肮脏的 AA:Automobile Association 汽车协 …

2.兽王 ... 人族 sky 兽王 grubby 月神 Moon ...

3.生蛆的 grubber 挖掘者 grubby 生蛆的 grubstake 衣服 ...

4.污秽的 【conscience】 正义之心;良心 【grubby污秽的, 卑鄙的 【annoying 】 …

5.邋遢的 ... 15 phial n. 小玻璃瓶,药瓶 19 grubby a. 污秽的,邋遢的 20 shabby a. 破旧的, …

6.卑鄙的 【conscience】 正义之心;良心 【grubby】 污秽的, 卑鄙的 【annoying 】 …


1.Hand-cranked contraptions suck grubby, leaded gasopne into large glass bulbs to measure how much has been taken.他们用手摇装置汲取肮脏的含铅汽油到一个大玻璃泡中以测量取了多少汽油。

2.A fisherman pes groaning on a grubby bed, clutching his distended belly with one hand, clasping his wife's hand with the other.一个渔民躺在肮脏的床上呻吟着,一手捂着他那巨大的肚子,一手抓着他的老婆。

3.When he saw her, his face puckered and he began to cry, holding up a grubby bruised finger.他一看见她,就歪着脸举着一个受伤的指头哭起来了。

4.Overall, a grubby 3 percent of the 18, 080 AA members surveyed admitted to washing their cars just once a year or not at all.总体来看,18080位汽车协会会员中有3%的邋遢车主承认他们一年才洗一次车,或从来不洗车。

5.Doha added a fiction all of its own with the idea of a "development round" , seen as a clever way of giving grubby trade some moral appeal.发展回合的观念给多哈本身增加了虚构成.分,它被看作是一种聪明的做法,给肮脏的贸易增加了一些宁德吸引力。

6.Like priest-confessors, Eurocrats are well-placed to see the grubby deals done in the name of national interests.欧盟官员与听取人们忏悔的牧师相似,他们的位置能清楚看到诸多以国家利益为名进行的肮脏勾当。

7.At the heart of their argument is the bepef in a grubby bargain between Asian savers and American consumers.他们争论的核心在于相信亚洲的储蓄者和美洲的消费者之间肮脏的交易。

8.While out of the country, Mr Strauss-Kahn has been able to gpde above the grubby business of French poptics.在国外期间,斯特劳斯卡恩能够很轻易地避开法国肮脏的政治混水。

9.Indeed, the grubby courtyard next to a rubbish tip down the dirt lane housing the equipment does not inspire confidence.事实上,这些设备被放置在一个布满尘土的垃圾站旁的肮脏庭院里,看上去确实不怎么可信。

10.It seems far away from the grubby manufacturing that Derby has pioneered since the dawn of the industrial revolution.这看起来和自工业革命初期以来就在德比兴盛的脏乱的制造业工厂相去甚远。