


美式发音: 英式发音: [liːvd]





1.有叶的 leave-taking 离去 leaved 有叶的 leaven 酵素 ...

2.香叶型天竺葵 ... leaved : 有叶的 leaved香叶型天竺葵 lance leaved : 披针叶的 ...


1.The defects leaved by this phase are hard to make up in the next design phase.这个阶段留下的缺陷也很难在后续的设计中弥补。

2.In a nervous and slender-leaved mimosa grove at the back of their villa we found a perch on the ruins of a low stone wall.在他们家别墅后面一片神经质的、叶子细长的含羞草丛中,在一道矮石墙的残垣上,我们找到一个可以坐一坐的地方。

3.However, there is no personal experience about him was leaved, and people did not seem to organize all this.但是,他没有留下关于这些经历的个人叙述,后人似乎也未整理这一切。

4.He would miaow when we leaved kitchen and did not cry as long as we coming in. He seemed to like staying with us and do not want to us go.我们只要一离开厨房他就叫,我们一进厨房他就不叫了,好像很喜欢和我们在一起,不想我们走似的。

5.Grandpa let the fireflys fly free as he leaved. Maybe this one is coming back to see him?后来,爷爷把所有的萤火虫都放走了,这一只,是不是回来看他的呢?

6.Evenness index was the highest in broad-leaved mixed forest, and eroded bad land take second place in evenness index.均匀度指数在针阔混交林最高,但在演替其他阶段都较侵蚀劣地低。

7.Acetanilide herbicides are widely used for preemergence control of broad-leaved weeds in corns , soybean and several other other crops.酰胺类除草剂是目前应用广泛的芽前除草剂,主要用于大豆、谷物及其它几种阔叶草的优先控制。

8.Castanopsis hystrix is one of the important planting tree species of south subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest.红锥是南亚热带地区优良的珍贵乡土阔叶造林树种。

9.Looking on her statue again when we leaved , I really admired that she lived in such a good place.离开时再回望李清照清瘦的身影,倒真羡慕她住在如此好的地方。

10.the large - leaved rhubarb and cabbage plants slept too , their broad limp surfaces hanging in the sun like half - closed umbrellas.大叶子的大黄和卷心菜也都睡着了,它们那些宽阔发蔫的叶片在日光下低垂,好像半开半闭的伞。