


美式发音: [ˈtedi] 英式发音: ['tedi]

n.特迪;(常用 pl. -dies)〔美国〕妇女连衫衬裤




n.1.特迪2.(常用 pl. -dies)〔美国〕妇女连衫衬裤3.【男名】男子名

n.1.a piece of womens underwear that covers the upper body and fastens between the legs2.a teddy bear

1.泰迪 Terence 特伦斯 Teddy 特迪 Trudy 特鲁迪 ...

3.泰迪罗宾 Ted 泰德 Teddy 泰德 Tel 特尔 ...

5.泰蒂EODORA ROSE WILLIAMS),小名「泰蒂」(TEDDY),他并在推特上分享喜获女儿的兴奋之情。


7.小熊泰迪 猫猫消消乐 Nosonoso 小熊泰迪 Teddy 豪华撞球 Deluxe Pool ...

8.王德辉原本大楼的老板王德辉Teddy)在1990年被绑架,至今下落不明;老板娘龚如心(Nina)到病逝前一直在寻找他的丈夫,两 …


1.But that was impossible, because there in the front row, slumped in his seat, was a little boy named Teddy.但那是不可能的,因为就在第一排,蜷坐在椅子里的,是一个叫特迪的小男孩。

2.A woman brought in the teddy bear and a secret message in a capsule. She asked Lee to sew the message inside the tummy of the teddy bear.是一位女士带来的这只泰迪,她请他把一只装有字条的容器封进泰迪的肚子。

3.There was no space in his bag, so Felix had to leave his teddy bear behind when he went on the school trip.参加校游时,费利克斯的背包里没有多余的空间了,因此他不得不把玩具熊留下来。

4.Nothing would make me happier than to give teddy bears to all the children here, but unfortunately that cannot be done.如果能把泰迪熊带给这里的所有小孩,我当然最开心了,但很遗憾的是,在这里不能这么做。

5.John McCain said he modelled himself on Teddy Roosevelt, a man who "nourished the soul of a great nation" .约翰·麦凯恩说他把自己标榜为泰迪·罗斯福,一个“滋养了伟大国家灵魂”的人。

6.Did you know former President Teddy Roosevelt was an American? -Oh! Hah! -That's it!你知道前任总统泰迪?罗斯福是美国人吗?-哦!哈!-对!

7.Knut was no longer the cuddly little teddy bear romping with a soccer ball, but a 245-pound eating machine.“克努特”已不再是当年那只爱玩足球的可爱的小泰迪熊,而变成了245磅重的食肉机器。

8.George is not a sexy name. George is what you name your teddy bear, not the name you wanna scream out during climax.乔治可不是个性感的名字。乔治是你给毛毛熊取的名,而不是你高潮时想要喊出的名儿。

9.You see, there was yet another letter that spring. Teddy said he had met this girl and was going to be married.你看,那年春天又来了一封信,泰迪说他遇到属于他的女孩,很快要结婚了。

10.(Laughter) So I got the teddy bear and I said, "Do you mind If I pull out one of your fibers? "(观众笑)我找到泰迪熊,对它说,“你介意我抽走一根纤维吗?”