



美式发音: [əˈtest] 英式发音: [ə'test]



第三人称单数:attests  现在分词:attesting  过去式:attested  同义词反义词


v.confirm,show,prove,bear out,corroborate


v.1.证明,证实2.表明3.使发誓4.使服兵役5.证明,证实 (to)1.证明,证实2.表明3.使发誓4.使服兵役5.证明,证实 (to)

v.1.to give proof or be evidence that something is true2.to state formally that you believe something is true, correct, or real

1.经证实的 ... asterisk 标星号 attested 经证实的 attribute 属性 ...

2.证明 ... 证明书 Certificate 证明 Attested 正本 Original ...

3.鉴定无误 ... JOHN HANCOCK,President 约翰·汉考克,主席 Attested,CHARLES THOMSON,Secretary 鉴定无误, …


5.文件证明,则无需提交书面诉状,但前提是该运费的金额能够通过文件证明attested)或者货主会以某种可接受的方式承认欠费的金 …


1.She would certainly know better than Oprah would who has herself attested to the fact that she was NOT Michael's friend.她声称自己不是迈克尔的朋友,她肯定要比奥普拉更知道该怎么做。

2.Three of her ladies-in-waiting have attested that the Queen Mother did not hate the Duchess of Windsor.她的三位待侍夫人证明王太后并不憎恨温莎公爵夫人。

3.A purchase order supposedly verified in writing and attested to by the buyer's bank as a financial commitment of the bank.此购买指令被假设示以书面方式审核及被买方银行同意它是银行的一种财务上的承担。

4.This was no trodden way, the freshness of the wood-flowers attested that foot of man seldom pressed them.这是一条人迹未到的路,野花鲜艳,证明人脚很少踩踏过这些野花。

5.She handed us a paper with a handwritten message that attested to her mission, signed and stamped by a Protestant pastor.她递给我们一份可以证明她使命的手写文件,文件由一位牧师签字盖章。

6.It has been attested by all medical researchers that type I diabetes is caused due to breakdown in the immune system of the body.已被所有医学研究者证实,1型糖尿病由机体免疫系统障碍引起。

7.If the busbar is rented, the lease term shall be more than two years, and its lease contrast shall be duly notarized or attested .(或无偿借用同意书)如系租赁,租期须在二年以上,其租赁契约并经公证或认证。

8.It would be flying in the face of well- attested facts were one to deny that such experiences frequently occur.诸如此类的经历频繁出现,否认这一点就是拒不承认已被充分证明的事实。

9.These skills shall be attested to in writing by the QA Manager or by the Managing Director if the QA Manager is qualified as a Lead Auditor.该能力应由质量保证经理(QA)以书面形式证实,如果质量保证经理(QA)作为主审查员时,则其能力应由常务董事负责证实。

10.The numbers in parentheses refer to the century in which the word was first attested.括号里的数字表示该词首次得到认证的那个世纪。