




1.留口信 ... fit into: 适应,符合 left a message: 留口信 have second thoughts: (重新考虑后)改变主意 ...


1.I called at his house, but he wasn't in. So I left a message telpng him that I would call on him the next day.我到他家拜访,可他不在家。所以我留下口信告诉他第二天再去拜访他。

2.That summer, when I returned from leave, my secretary told me that the Governor had called and left a message asking me to return his call.那年暑期,我和外子渡假回港,秘书小姐突然告诉我说,港督曾找我。

3.Yes. He left a message for you. There was also a telephone call from a lady. She asks you to ring her up this evening.有。他给你留下一个条子。还有一个女的来电话找你,叫你今晚去电话。

4.Just now Xiao Ming called and left a message. It said: Cancel the meeting at the coffee shop, because he has no time.刚才小明来电话留言说:咖啡屋的见面取消了,因为没时间。

5.The chief engineer has left a message for you. He'll be glad to see you.轮机长留下了口信,他将很乐于见你。

6.Well, Sally left a message for you. She wrote it down in case you called.对了,萨莉给你留下了一张便条,她怕你万一打电话来。

7.I left a message for Mary to tell her that I would not come for dinner.我给玛丽留个信儿,告诉她我不来吃晚饭。

8.She gave me her number and I called, left a message on her voice mail and she never got back to me.她给了我号码,我也打了,并在她的语音信箱上留了言,可她没有回复我。

9.He left a message for mother told her he would cpmb TengZi for his good luck, and soon he would be back.他给妈妈留下了留言告诉她他将爬上藤子去寻找他的好运并且不久他就将回来。

10.She wouldn't pick up the phone, so I left a message. She is still mad at me, I guess.她不接电话,所以我就留了言。我想她应该还在生我气吧。