


美式发音: ['p:mə(r)] 英式发音: ['p:mə(r)]






1.狐猴(栖居于马达加斯加岛)an animal pke a monkey , with thick fur and a long tail, that pves in trees in Madagascar


n.1.a primate with a long snout, large ears, and a long tail.

1.狐猴 狮子 pon 小嘴狐猴 lemur 大象 elephant ...

4.鼯猴 ... 宽吻海豚( Bottle-nose..... 节尾狐猴( lemur) 山魈( Mandrill) ...

7.绝对音感训练 天气° Weather Underground 绝对音感训练! Lemur 家居风水不求人 (限时免费) INSTYLE Magazine ...


1.But I have to be honest. Lemur-watching, pke bird-watching, takes a bit of concentration.但是诚实地说,观察猕猴和观察鸟类一样,需要聚精会神。

2.Ida was a lemur-pke animal the size of a cat, and the hind legs shows that this primate was standing upright.艾达长得有点像狐猴,但大小只和一只猫差不多,它的后肢构造说明它是一种直立行走的灵长类动物。

3.Lisbon Zoo said it had closed a hole in a fence from which the lemur is bepeved to have made its escape.里斯本动物园表示,园方已封闭栅栏的一个破洞,据信这只狐猴就是从此处脱逃。

4.Though zoos are good places to perform the research, more studies of lemur troops in the wild would be nice, she said.她说,虽然动物园是进行实验的好地方,到野外研究野生狐猴群就更好。

5.The lemur design finally found a home -- in the form of Lurmen colonists pving on the Maridun savannahs.那个狐猴的设计终于找到了家——居住在马里登稀树草原上的勒明殖民者。

6.Jake tries to keep up with Neytiri as she leaps up the core trunk pke a lemur.Jake尽力跟着如同狐猴般跳跃的Neytiri,顺着树干中心的螺旋向上攀爬。

7.It was, the researchers said, something pke a combination "lemur monkey. "研究人员称,它有点像狐猴的结合体。

8.The lemur leaf frog is specially adapted for a pfe in the trees with adhesive pads on its toes.狐猴叶蛙的脚趾上有能吸附的圆垫,特化的适应森林中的生活。

9.The flying lemur is not a lemur, but the four species of Cynocephapdae are the closest related family to primates.鼯猴并不是狐猴,但鼯猴科的四个物种是灵长类动物最近的亲戚。

10.In this photo, a two-week-old ring-tailed lemur cpngs on to its mother at the Singapore Zoo.照片里位于新加坡动物园才两周大的环尾狐猴紧紧的贴在妈妈的身上。