




1.借钱】 在英语里,你可以用'spare' 作为动词表达借钱lend money)的意思. 即spare sb somemoney/借给某人多少钱 If you can'…

2.借出 ... 1. 动词 [借入] borrow money 2. 动词 [借出] lend money 借贷[ jièdài] ...

3.借钱给别人 ... spend money 花钱 lend money 借钱给别人 invest one’ money in~ 把钱投资于… ...

4.贷款 撤销 Cancel 贷款 Lend money 开立 Open,estabpsh ...


1."We do not use ratings to invest. We do our own research on anyone we lend money to, and that includes sovereigns, " she said.“我们不是用评等来投资--我们自己会对所有投资对象作研究,这也包括主权体,”她称。

2.As banks did not know the level of debt they were acquiring, they no longer wanted to lend money to or borrow money from other banks.正在银行不知自己所拥有的贷款额度时,他们不久又要借款或者还款给其他银行了。

3.So would the World Bank today lend money for an Aswan dam if it did not already exist?因此,如果今日的阿斯旺大坝没有存在,世界银行会为建设这样一座大坝提供贷款吗?

4.The bank manager wants to see a business plan before agreeing to lend money.银行经理要求先看该公司的业务规划再考虑是否准予贷款。

5.And the one who bought it went plowing and found the treasure. He began to lend money at interest to whomever he wished.而买的人开始耕耘田园,因而发现宝藏,他就利用这笔钱随意借贷给人,赚取利息。

6.Others lend money only if borrowers agree to redeposit up to half of the loan in the same bank at a much lower interest rate.有些银行要求借贷人借款后要存上借款额一半的存款,而且利率要比常规存款利率低,才同意贷款。

7.Others lend money only if borrower agrees to redeposit up to half of the loan in the same bank at a much lower interest rate.其余银行则要求借款人将贷出的款项至少一半的低息存入本行。

8.In the boom, banks were able to lend money via bonds and loans and then unload the debts in the form of structured products.在昌盛时期,银行可以通过债券及债务出借,并将这些债务通过结构性产品出手。

9.Do not lend money to friends, or contribute more than necessary to groups unworthy of your cash.不要借钱给朋友或是向不值得的团体捐献超过必要数额的钱。

10.If thou lend money to any of my people that is poor by thee, thou shalt not be to him as an usurer, neither shalt thou lay upon him usury.我民中有贫穷人与你同住,你若借钱给他,不可如放债的向他取利。