




1.西山 ... Unit 5 Friendship Pass( 友谊关) Unit 6 West Mountain( 桂平西山) Unit 7 Beihai Silver Beach( 北海银滩) ...

4.西边山上总体比西边山上(West Mountain)差吗?易出租吗(非地库)?


1.Lucy and I, as well as her parents, had a good time on the farm of the West Mountain last Saturday.作文、、、1。上星期六,我和露西及她的父母一起去西山农场,非常开心。

2.The choice of plant strains gives prominence to the seasonal changes in Spring and Autumn, corresponding to that at the West Mountain.植物品种选择突出春秋两季的季相变化与西山景观相呼应。

3.Possession of this drug is a serious crime under the laws of Davis's home state of West Mountain.但是根据戴维斯所在的西山州的法律,拥有毒品属严重犯罪行为。

4.WwW. zIdiR. coM Storm Troops was a special force in the Qing Dynasty army, and also a social group in the West Mountain region of Beijing.健锐营是清朝军制中一支特种部队,也是清朝在北京西山东麓驻军形成的一个社会群体。

5.In this case, C Luo played with the injury, and to help the West Mountain score.在这种情况下,C罗带伤出战,并且帮助西芒得分。

6.it is a jolpfication in west mountain scenery famous spot area , guanyin mountain , gold palace , zoo . etc.届时在西山风景名胜区观音山金殿动物园等地尤为热闹。

7.The weary setting sun recpnes in the arms of west mountain, waiting for the midnight dreams.疲惫的残阳,斜躺在西山的怀里,预备着午夜的梦。

8.In the west mountain area of Xushui, there are serious problems in ecological environment, soil erosion and farmer's pfe.徐水县西部山区生态环境恶劣,水土流失严重,农民生活贫困。

9.A study on the Scenic Forest Tending Technique in West Mountain, Beijing.北京西山风景林抚育技术研究。

10.We got on a bus and left West Mountain Forest.我们坐车公交车,离开了西山林场。