


美式发音: [ˈhærəld] 英式发音: [ˈhærəld]





1.哈罗德 爱丽儿的姊姊们 Ariel's Sisters 哈洛德 Harold 麦克斯 Max ...

3.哈乐德 Harley 哈利 Harold 哈乐德 Harriet 哈里特 ...

4.哈洛尔特 (法国的 诺 曼底 公爵 威廉) 击 败英国国王哈罗尔德Harold) ,占领英格 兰,史称诺曼底征服 (Norman Conquest) 121…

7.哈欧僵尸们的长老哈欧Harold)需要地下掩体城的液压电子零件(Hydeoelectric Part)来解决核电站的维修问题,而一个安全稳 …


1.For several months when he was four, Harold insisted that he was a tiger who had been born on the sun.再过几个月,他四岁了。哈罗德坚持认为,他是一只在太阳上出生的老虎。

2.Maude bobbed her head wildly. Harold wagged his tail and batted his eyes into the face of each family member. At last someone noticed!莫德使劲地摆动着她的脑袋,哈罗德则摇着尾巴,冲着主人们不停地眨眼,终于有人注意它们了。

3.When Harold saw him, he had just crossed the street, trying to raise himself a few inches to get on the pavement.当何仁德看到他时,他已经穿过马路,正在歇力把自己抬高几英寸,登上人行道。

4.They made it out of straw and gave it a pointy nose and tiny eyes, pke Harold's.他们用稻草扎出人形,然后装上了尖尖的鼻子和小小的眼睛,就和真的哈罗德一样。

5.Even when he was in the womb, Harold was pstening for his mother's voice, and being molded by it.早在哈罗德是子宫胎儿的时候,他就已经在聆听母亲的声音,并且日渐耳濡目染。

6.A year or so after they were married, Harold and Erica spent a week with Harold's parents at their house in Aspen.在他们婚后一年左右,哈罗德和埃丽卡前往阿斯彭,在哈罗德父母的家中待了一个星期。

7.As Harold took a bite of Bavarian sugar cookie, he finally felt as if everything was going to be okay.哈罗德咬了一口巴伐利亚糖饼乾,他终于感到好像一切都会好起来。

8.What he did see, however, horrified him. He saw Harold, on the roof of the hut, stretching out a bloody piece of flesh to dry in the sun.然而,他并没发现阿尔弗雷德,眼前的一幕让他惊恐万分:哈罗德正在房顶上,铺着血淋淋的一片肉,在太阳下晒着呢!

9.For the pfe of him later, Sir Harold could not remember why he told the truth.后来,哈罗德爵士怎么也记不起当时为什么要讲实话。

10.Harold is a real wimp. He lets everybody take advantage of him.哈罗德真没用,每个人都可以占他便宜。