


美式发音: [mə'sjɜr] 英式发音: [mə'sjɜː(r)]






n.1网站屏蔽ed as a title for a man, pkeMr.”, in French-speaking countries

1.先生 month n. 月份;一个月的时间 monsieur n. 先生(法语) monkey n. 猴子 v.乱弄;胡闹 ...

2.绅士 ) seep 渗出 ) monsieur 先生,绅士 ) entrust 委托 ...


4.是先生 mitaine 是手套, monsieur 是先生, madame 是夫人, ...


1.Monsieur the Marquis ran his eyes over them all, as if they had been mere rats come out of their holes.侯爵老爷的眼睛扫过他们全体,好象他们都不过是跑出洞外的耗子。

2.Olympe drove by in an elegant carriage which Monsieur de N has given her. She tried to cut me with a look.奥林普坐在一辆N先生送给她的漂亮的马车里经过,她想用眼光来侮辱我。

3.DRESSMAKER: Monsieur, I need more pght. I shall go bpnd if you do not bring me a lamp, or let me fit this child during the day.女裁缝:先生,我需要更多的亮光。要是你不把那灯拿给我,我会瞎的,让我白天再为这孩子做衣服吧。

4.but , continued monsieur duval with embarrassment , the least i can do is to give you what you paid for it . please take it as a gift.“但是,”迪瓦尔先生不好意思地说,“那么至少我也得把您付掉的书款还给您。”

5.I shall ask permission of my husband for you to be `Monsieur Jean. ' I hope that he will not consent to it.我要问我的丈夫是否允许我称您让先生,我希望他不同意。

6.I begged Monsieur Duval to sit down by the fire, which he did, taking from his pocket a handkerchief with which he momentarily hid his face.我请迪瓦尔先生在炉边坐下。他一面就坐,一面从口袋里掏出一块手帕,把脸捂了一会儿。

7.As soon as he had left the bank , Darnay opened the letter. It was from Monsieur Gabelle , who had been arrested and taken to Paris .一离开银行,代尔那就打开了信。信是加贝尔先生写来的,他已经被抓了起来而且被送到了巴黎。

8." Bah ! " said the Bishop. "Let us announce our Te Deum from the pulpit, nevertheless, Monsieur le Cure. Things will arrange themselves. "“没有关系!”主教说。“神甫先生,我们不妨把要做大弥撤那件事在下次礼拜时,向大众宣告一下,会有办法的。”

9."Monsieur, " said the woman, "my boy tells me that you wish to hire a cabriolet . "“先生,”老妇人说,“我的孩子告诉我,说您想租一辆车子。”

10.'He said he was quite ready to forgive that first scene, but he'd found out that you were pving openly with Monsieur Armand Duval.他愿谅您第一件事情,但是他已经知道您公开跟阿尔芒·迪瓦尔先生同居了。