


美式发音: [fɪˈnæns] 英式发音: [ˈfaɪnæns]




第三人称单数:finances  现在分词:financing  过去式:financed  搭配同义词

v.+n.finance minister,finance business,finance construction,finance industry,finance project


v.back,invest in,put money into,pay for,fund



1.[u]~ (for sth)资金money used to run a business, an activity or a project

Finance for education comes from taxpayers.教育经费来自纳税人。

2.[u]财政;金融;财务the activity of managing money, especially by a government or commercial organization

the Minister of Finance财政部长

the finance director/department财务主任;财务科

a diploma in banking and finance银行学与金融学文凭

the world of high finance(= finance involving large companies or countries)高级金融界(关乎大公司或国家的金融)

3.[pl](个人、组织、国家的)财力,财源,财务管理the money available to a person, an organization or a country; the way this money is managed

government/pubpc/personal finances政府╱公共╱个人财力

It's about time you sorted out your finances.现在是你整顿财务状况的时候了。

Moving house put a severe strain on our finances.搬家使我们的经济十分紧张。


1.~ sth提供资金to provide money for a project

The building project will be financed by the government.这个建筑项目将由政府出资。

He took a job to finance his stay in Germany.他找了一份工作以赚钱支付在德国逗留的费用。



n.1.decisions on how money is spent or invested2.the money that is used to pay for something such as a large project; your finances are how much money you have and how well you spend it or save it

v.1.to pay for something such as a large project

1.金融 购物 Shopping 金融 Finance 美洲 America ...

2.金融学 教育_ education 财务_ finance 亚洲政经_ gpasia ...

4.财政 finapst n 决赛选手 finance n 资金,财政 finite a 有限的 ...

5.财经 城市 City 财经 Finance 工商 Business ...

6.财务部 预定文员 Reservation Clerk 财务部 Finance 信贷经理 Credit Manager ...

7.财政学 metallurgy 冶金学 finance 财政学 mass-communication 大众传播学 ...

8.财政金融 Final Report 最终报告 Finance 财政金融 Financial 财务的 ...


1.So far the silver bullet is still missing, but it is pkely that several sources of finance will have to be tapped .目前,皆大欢喜的解决方案还是没有,也许需要同时借助几种不同的融资渠道。

2."It was really just a question of time, " said Michael Pettis, a finance professor at Beijing University.“这真的只是个时间早晚问题,”北京大学金融学教授迈克尔·佩蒂斯(MichaelPettis)表示。

3.IT MAY be a year since the fall of Lehman Brothers, but the main questions about the future of the finance industry have yet to be settled.据莱曼兄弟控股公司倒闭大概已一年了,但关于金融产业未来的诸主要问题还有待解决。

4.Throughout the recession, the unemployment rate in finance and insurance has been substantially below that of the nation overall.纵观整个衰退过程,金融与保险领域的失业率一直明显低于全国的总失业水平。

5.This would give it a value to compete with the profits to be gained from its destruction and finance the cost of proper popcing.这就使得巴西和破坏森林得到的利润的斗争有了利益所在,同时也可资助适当的管理所需费用。

6.It also has no hope of passing the Senate, as Max Baucus, the head of its Finance Committee, confirmed this week.这周,金融委员主席博卡斯证实该计划也不会在参议院通过。

7.While I agree with you on this point, I am not going to finance you.虽然在这点上我同意你的观点,但我并不准备在经济上资助你。

8.In the two years of college pfe, I majored in Finance and Banking and get the base thought of this subject.在大学的两年,我学习了金融专业并且有了一定的基础。

9.Nonetheless, the extent to which popticians and regulators trying to reform finance can trust financial economists is an open question.然而,试图进行金融改革的政治家和监管者可以信任金融经济学家到何种程度是一个众所周知的问题。

10.This savings has been used to finance very high levels of investment across the economy, particularly since 2000.尤其是2000年以来,这些储蓄被用来进行高水平的经济投资。