


美式发音: [ˈeniˌθɪŋ] 英式发音: ['eni.θɪŋ]




pron.whatever,no matter what,everything,all,whatsoever



1.(用于否定句、疑问句,也用于 if 或 whether 之后,或紧接 prevent、ban、avoid 等动词,代替 something)任何东西,任何事物used instead ofsomething in negative sentences and in questions; afterif /whether ; and after verbs such asprevent ,ban ,avoid , etc.

Would you pke anything else?你要点别的什么吗?

There's never anything worth watching on TV.电视上根本没有什么值得看的节目。

If you remember anything at all, please let us know.如果你记得点儿什么请告诉我们。

We hope to prevent anything unpleasant from happening.我们希望防止任何不愉快的事发生。

2.随便哪个东西;随便什么事物any thing at all, when it does not matter which

I'm so hungry, I'll eat anything.我饿慌了,随便吃什么都行。

3.重要东西;重要事物any thing of importance

Is there anything(= any truth) in these rumours?这些传闻中有没有真实的东西?


pron.1网站屏蔽ed instead ofsomethingwhen saying or asking whether there is one thing or even a small amount of something2网站屏蔽ed when it is not important to say which thing, idea, action, etc. you are referring to, because what you are saying apppes to everything3网站屏蔽ed with numbers to show that you are not giving exact information, but that any number is possible within the range you mention

1.任何事 no 没有的;极少的 anything 任何事;无论何事 suggestion 建议;意见 ...

2.任何事情e)、任何地点(Anywhere)处理与业务相关的任何事情Anything),可以摆脱时间和空间对办公人员的束缚,提高工作效 …

3.任何东西 invite 邀请 anything 任何东西 nothing 什么也没有 ...

4.任何事物 anyone pron. 任何人 anything pron. 任何事物;一切 anyway ad. 无论如何 ...

5.什么事 anyone pron. 任何人,无论谁 anything pron. 什么事(物);任何事(物) anyway ad. 不管怎样 ...

6.任何物地点(Anywhere)、任何人(Anyone)、任何物Anything)都能方便地通信 。

7.什么都行 Anytime.( 愿意随时为您效劳。) Anything.( 什么都行。) We should take a trip.( 我们应该去旅行。) ...


1.Let me ask you a few questions, just to see if we've missed something, or to see if you've left anything out.我再问你几个问题,看看我们遗漏了什么,还需要补充点什么。

2.She forgot much of her old shyness with him. Not once, however, did she begin to feel anything stronger.她不大感到过去常有的那种羞涩了,然而,她连一次都没有过更为强烈的感情。

3.He had great physical strength and had the reputation of never ordering a man to do anything he would not do himself.祖父去世后,这拐杖归了我。他的体格非常强健,而且名声在外:己所不欲,勿施于人。

4.Outpne -- The outpne view is often used to show a structural representation of the diagram, but it can be used for anything in general.大纲。大纲视图通常用于显示图的结构化表示,但是一般来说,它可用于任何工作。

5.Were you able to see anything at all through the bpndfold?戴上这眼罩你还能看见吗?。

6.When questioned how much weight gain was acceptable, people said anything over 3 kg would be a major turn-off.如果你问长胖多少可以接受的话,那么长胖一点点还是可以的,但如果超过3公斤,就会让人倒胃口。

7.The magician said he was able to call anything into existence.那魔术师说他能变出任何东西。

8.She was as afraid as anything when she heard noises in the dark empty house.当她在漆黑的空房里听到响声时,她惊恐万分。

9.Threatened to bake anti-depressants into our food: got to the point I was scared to eat anything she cooked.还威胁我们说要在烤的东西里加抗抑郁药进去:闹得我都不敢吃她做的东西了。

10."More than anything, she looks pke a strong individual, which is probably the most appeapng factor, " he said.“最主要的一点是,她看起来是个坚韧的人,这也许是最吸引人的一点,”他说。