


美式发音: [ˈleˌsɔr] 英式发音: [leˈsɔː(r)]






1.出租人a person who gives sb the use of a building, an area of land, etc. on a lease


n.1.someone who allows another person to pay to use their land or property under a leasea legal agreement. The person who uses the land or property is the lessee.

1.出租人 lessee 承租人;租户 lessor 出租人;批租人 lessor's title 出租人的业权 ...

2.出租方 Lessee 承租方 Lessor 出租方 Leveraged Buyout Fund 杠杆并购基金 ...

3.租赁公司 leading edges 前缘 lessor 租赁公司 load factor 上座率 ...

4.租赁业者 legal tender 法定支付工具 lessor 租赁业者 leukemia 血癌 ...

5.出租者 lesser 承租者 lessor 出租者 pabipty 负债 ...


1.This does not cover disturbances and noise by others which are of a civil or criminal matter, not the responsibipty of the Lessor.他人因民用或犯罪造成的干扰和噪音不属于出租方的责任范围内。

2.In case of any claim by a third person, the lessee shall timely notify the lessor.第三人主张权利的,承租人应当及时通知出租人。

3.The lessor is not maintenance, repairs made to the lessor the lessee the right to request, demand lessor maintenance.出租人不维修时,承租人有权向出租人提出维修的要求,催告出租人维修。

4.The lessor shall, at least at the end of each year, reexamine the unguaranteed residual values.第二十条出租人至少应当于每年年度终了,对未担保余值进行复核。

5.If consent is not obtained, a co-lessor can seek an injunction from the court to halt the building works until the dispute is resolved.如果建筑工程没有获得承租人许可,承租人可以向法院申请禁止令停止建筑工程直到纠纷获得解决。

6.If the bank account information changed, the lessor shall immediately notify the lessee in writing.如该银行账户信息发作变卦,出租方应立刻书面通知承租方。

7.However, if unable to repair the lessor, the lessee may be repaired, the cost is deducted from the rent, or by the lessor of payment.但如果出租人无力修缮的,承租人可以予以修缮,费用从租金中扣除,或由出租人分期偿还。

8.In case of the above, the Lessor shall be entitled to detain or forfeit the Deposit and the rent prepaid by the Lessee.如果发生本条第一款所述情况,甲方有权扣留或没收乙方的押金及预交的租金。

9.A lessor shall include the assets subject to operating leases in relevant items of its balance sheets in pght of the nature of the asset.第二十五条出租人应当按资产的性质,将用作经营租赁的资产包括在资产负债表中的相关项目内。

10.The Lessee agrees to pay rent to the Lessor by or before the th day of every month.承租人同意在每月日或在此之前付清租金。