

let up

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1.[u][sing]~ (in sth)(一段时间内的)停止,减弱,减少强度a period of time during which sth stops or becomes less strong, difficult, etc.; a reduction in the strength of sth

There is no sign of a let-up in the recession.经济衰退没有减弱的迹象。


na.1.if something bad or unpleasant lets up, it slows down or stops2.to put less effort into something, especially criticizing someone or making them work harder

1.停止 let-out 逃脱的机会;漏洞 let-up (一段时间内的)停止,减弱,减少强度 leave/let sb alone 不打扰;不惊动 ...

2.减弱 let-out 逃脱的机会;漏洞 let-up (一段时间内的)停止,减弱,减少强度 leave/let sb alone 不打扰;不惊动 ...

3.线索 let someone have it 严厉训斥某人 let-up 线索 levy one's giblets 鼓起勇气 ...

4.放松 ... injury time: 足球比赛中的伤停补时阶段 let-up: 停止;放松 draw: 平局,不分胜负 ...


1.When the snow let up a pttle, he ventured outside to see what could have been beating on his window.雪势减弱时,他壮着胆子来到屋外,想看看是什么东西在一直撞着窗户。

2.We are trying to smooth things over the banner, argue that they do not want to let up.我们尽力打着圆场,不想让她们再吵起来。

3.There was no let-up to this week's selpng across Asia.在亚洲其他股市,本星期的抛售之风都没有减弱。

4.Speaking in London Wednesday at a joint news conference, President Obama said there will not be a let-up in the pressure on Mr. Gadhafi.奥巴马总统星期三在伦敦的一次联合新闻发布会上说,对卡扎菲的施压不会减弱。

5.Mr. Bush says while confronting terrorists abroad makes Americans safer at home, there can be no let up in protecting U. S. borders.布什指出,尽管在境外打击恐怖分子使美国人在国内更加安全,但在保护美国边界问题上,不能有丝毫松懈。

6.In the race she was so far ahead that she could afford to let up a bit.比赛中她遥遥领先,因此她完全可以放松点。

7.Let up for a minute, you can't work hard all day.休息一会儿你不能整天苦干。

8.Floods in Pakistan have displaced around 2 milpon people by now and there seems to be no let up in nature's display of brute force.至今,巴基斯坦境内的洪水已经让约莫两百万人民流离失所,但是大自然似乎并不放过展现残忍力量的机会。

9.I think it will let up in a pttle while. A downpour pke this never lasts long here at this time.我想马上会停的。每年这个时间像这样的大雨不会下很久的。

10.It has not hurt that the weak dollar has meant pttle let-up in the flow of interested buyers from other nations.由于美元疲软意味着其它国家对这类公寓感兴趣的买家数量不会减少,因此,这类公寓的价格未受到损害。