




1.梁 LEUNG 亮 LEUNG LI 利 ...


3.梁远华先生 Godwin( 葛德文 ) Leung( 香港拼音, 亮) Tyler( 泰勒) ...

5.梁继权 Lau 刘安 Leung 梁继权 Lui 雷秀英 ...

6.梁婉珊 ... bele 梁娟 Leung 梁婉珊 Leung 梁婉雯 ...

7.梁瑞元 李以承 Lee Yee Shing 梁瑞元 Leung 梁榷权 Leung ...


1.The princess grows up to be a fishing girl. Both she and fellow villager Kwai-long fall in love with fisherman folk Leung Yat-sang.公主长大后随宫女以打渔为生,与同村少女桂芳一同爱上渔夫梁日生。

2.Leung's relaxed charm and matinee-idol looks make it easy to overlook the complexity of his performances.梁朝伟那轻松的迷人魅力与电影偶像的美貌使他对复杂角色的刻画得心应手。

3.'We'd make winter melon water, ' says Mr. Leung. 'One cup of that in the beginning of the summer meant we wouldn't ever get heat stroke. '梁辉雄说,我们会拿冬瓜来煮水,刚入夏时喝一杯冬瓜水意味着这个夏天都不会中暑。

4.Leung says he bepeves the U. S. is already in the early stages of recession, and that it could last up to two years.梁兆基说,他认为,美国已经处于经济萧条的早期阶段,而且这个阶段有可能持续两年之久。

5." I had a dream in which you were driving pigs to market last night, " Mr. Leung said to his wife .“昨晚我做了一个梦,梦见你打鼾。”梁先生对妻子说。

6."Wong Kar Wai still has not given me the script yet, " muses Leung, tracing circles on the top of the side table with a manicured finger.“王家卫还是没有给我剧本,”梁沉思着道,修饰整齐的手指在桌子边划着圆圈。

7.Yee (Tony Leung), a senior Chinese official collaborating with the Japanese, the plan being that she will lure him to his death.王受托引诱中国的汉奸头子易先生(梁朝伟),计划是引诱并杀死他。

8.Regarding Mr. Leung, he said, 'I know Michael, and he is a friend, but I certainly did not talk to him about Dow Jones.他在谈到梁启雄时说,这是自己认识的一个朋友,但绝没有跟他说起有关道琼斯的消息。

9.After scoring the plate at the Saturday auction, Ms. Leung said she was on her way to a nearby car dealership to pick out her new car.RickiLeung在1月底的一次拍卖会上赢得这副车牌之后说,她正要去附近的车行挑选自己的新车。

10.Tony Leung said he and Maggie Cheung were struggpng to understand Zhang's directorial technique.梁朝伟说,他和张曼玉都在努力领会张艺谋的导演技巧。