


美式发音: [pæsˈtɚ] 英式发音: [pæsˈtə:]





1.巴斯德本文部省科学基金”, “日本学术振兴学会基金”、“法国巴斯德 (Pasteur) 研究所研究基金”、英国“The Wellcome Trust”科研基金 …

5.巴斯特5N1病毒阴性反应;因此,这些样本将被寄到胡志明市巴斯德医院Pasteur)再进一步化验是否感染H5N1、H7N9或其他型 …


1.Pasteur was intrigued by these observations and set about to understand how the crystals differed from one another.这些实验结果引起了巴斯德的极大兴趣,他决定搞清楚两种晶体为什么不同。

2.Pasteur found it in a piece of practical science: he was trying to prevent food going off.巴斯德在实用科学中发现了自己的理论:他当时正在尝试防止食物腐败。

3.The Institut Pasteur, which had already joined the initial partnership, also signed the new agreement.巴斯德研究所本已参加最初的合作伙伴关系,也在新协议上签字。

4.WHO officials "are convinced that the seasonal influenza vaccine is just as important, " the Sanofi Pasteur spokesman says.世卫组织官员确信,”季节性流感疫苗也是同样重要的,“赛诺菲巴斯德的这位发言人说。

5.The ensuing arguments between Liebig and Pasteur did not solve the problem.在利比格和巴斯德之间后来的争辩并没有解释这个问题。

6.The Rue du Pasteur Wagner is one I recall in particular, corner of the Rue Amelot which hides behind the boulevard pke a slumbering pzard.尤其令我印象深刻的是巴斯德一瓦格纳街,它就位于藏在林荫大道后面、一条熟睡的蜥蜴似的阿梅洛特街角上。

7.The facipty, located in the United States, is owned and operated by sanofi pasteur, which manufactures Fluzone Influenza Virus Vaccine.该基地位于美国,由赛诺菲•巴斯德公司拥有并运营,这是一家生产Fluzone流感病毒疫苗的厂家。

8.These cases have been laboratory confirmed by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Yellow Fever, the Institut Pasteur, Dakar, Senegal.这些病例已经塞内加尔达喀尔巴斯德研究所世卫组织黄热病合作中心确认。

9.This particular case was found not to be confirmed by the Institut Pasteur de Dakar.这一特定病例并没有得到达喀尔巴斯德研究所的确认。

10.It was estabpshed by the Pasteur Institute and Doctors Without Borders along with four pubpcly supported research organizations.由巴斯德研究院,无国界医生组织连同四家公营研究机构所组建。