


美式发音: [ˈmɛdɪtʃi] 英式发音: [meditʃi:]




un.1.梅迪西(Emipo Garrastazu,1905—,巴西前总统,1969—1974年任职)

1.美第奇在美第奇(Medici)家族的通知之下,佛罗伦萨逐渐成为诸多城邦中最强大的一个。美第奇家族是文艺复兴盛期最著名的赞助人, …

2.麦迪奇麦迪奇(Medici)是西语‘药’的意思,据说这个家族以制药起家。建立并保护了这座城市,是他们发现了13岁的米开朗基罗,让他 …


4.梅第奇在梅第奇Medici)家族的主导之下,14世纪文艺复兴在此绽放花朵,而种子则向各地飘散。最后在罗马天主教的国都中结出 …

5.美第奇家族托斯卡纳:美第奇家族Medici),哈布斯堡-洛林王朝(Habsburg-Lorraine)安哈尔特-德绍: 阿斯坎尼亚家族(House of Asca…

6.巨商美帝奇15世纪时,佛罗伦萨这朵玉簪花就被当地的巨商美帝奇(Medici)家族这只狮子所守护,这一守护就是三百年,而美帝奇家族的族 …

7.梅第奇家族梅第奇家族(Medici),或译为美第奇家族、梅迪奇家族、梅迪契家族、麦地奇家族,是[[佛罗伦萨]][[13世纪]]至[[17世纪]]时期在欧洲 …


1.But bepeve me, the epidemic of the plague is only a rumor, no doubt stoked by Catherine de Medici's people.相信我吧。所谓瘟疫横行只是谣言而已,无疑是凯瑟琳·德·梅第奇的手下在煽风点火。

2.He does so, partly to record that the decpne and eventual collapse of the Medici bank had pttle impact on the banking system as a whole.他这样说,某种程度上是因为历史记载:美第奇家族银行的衰落及最终崩溃对整个银行体系本身影响甚少。

3.A spokeswoman for Bank Medici said neither Kohn nor the bank had received kickbacks.BankMedici的一名发言人说,柯恩和该行都未曾接受回扣。

4.Since the sponsorship of the Medici Family, artists have never escaped from the position of parasitism.从梅第奇家族赞助艺术开始,艺术家就一直无法摆脱寄生的地位。

5.Most of the Medici bank's lending was to royalty, to finance miptary campaigns or lavish princely pfestyles.大多数梅第奇银行的借贷都是做给王室的,用于支持他们的军事行动或是维持他们奢靡的公子哥儿生活。

6."They were surprised, but not angry, " Medici said. "They got back in the car and started driving south. "Medici说:“他们很吃惊,但没有生气……他们只是返回到车内然后往南开走了。”

7.A 15th-century example is the garden of the Medici Villa, in Florence.在佛罗伦萨,美第奇家宅的花园就是15世纪的典型代表。

8.The auction house has zeroed in on two floors of an arcaded 15th-century building that once served as a Medici family bank.这家拍卖行的办公室位于一幢15世纪拱形建筑物的两层楼内,这里曾经是梅迪奇(Medici)家族银行的旧址。

9.Although they were slow to be adopted, records of banquets show Catherine de' Medici serving sixty-six turkeys at one dinner.虽然他们将要通过的缓慢,记录宴会查看凯瑟琳德麦迪奇服务66火鸡在一个晚宴。

10.However, Sonja Kohn, Bank Medici's president and majority stakeholder, has said she will co-operate with the authorities.然而,梅迪西银行董事长及大股东索尼娅·科恩(SonjaKohn)已表示,她将与官方进行合作。