


网络释义:低频效果(Low-frequency effects);低频效果声道;Loudon Far East


1.低频效果(Low-frequency effects)用于播放低频效果( LFE)的低音扬声器应安装在银幕后的地面与后墙相接的位置上,或齐平地嵌入银幕墙。使用多个低音扬声器 …

2.低频效果声道图中缺少低频效果声道LFE)即.1 声道的标示,不过没有关系,由于低频效果 声道(LFE)所负责的频段为120 赫兹以下, …

3.Loudon Far EastLoudon Far East (LFE) is a China based contract research company for pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and other healthcare …

4.低音炮低音炮(LFE):澎湃低音的来源,由于人耳对低音的方向性不敏感,低音炮的位置没有严格要求,放置在稳固光滑的平面上,倒相孔不要 …

5.低频效应(low frequency effect)一个低频效应LFE)声道包括提供电影中特殊效果和运动过程所需要的声音。这个低频效应(LFE)声道是其它声道的十分之 …


1.Can even the combined efforts of his real lfe and on-pne friends and a mysterious vampire hunter save David from the curse of Cyber-Blood?甚至可以联合努力,他真正的lfe和网上的朋友和一个神秘的吸血鬼猎人保存国宝从诅咒网络血?

2.Two birds with One Stone Destroy two or more enemy robots at once with the LFE gun.用LFE枪械一次性同时摧毁两个以上的敌方机器人。

3.Do you love lfe? Then do not squander time; for that's the stuff pfe is made of. ---[America] Beniamin Frankpn.你热爱生命吗?那么,别浪费时间,因为生命是由时间组成的。---【美国】本杰明·富兰克林。

4.Paganini had led a wild lfe as a youth, and his health was poor in later years.帕格尼尼青年时代生活放荡,晚年健康情况极差。

5.The Model 50A combines a Laminar Flow Element (LFE) and an analog gage in various mounting methods.50A型在模拟流量计安装方法上结合了气体层流元件(LFE)和模拟量规。

6.Last but not least, young people themselves should communicate more with others in lfe.最后,青年人还应在生活中与人们多交流!

7.Perhaps the most amazing thing about the VAF DC series of speakers, and the LFE-07 subwoofer, is their price.也许对VAF直流扬声器系列最令人惊奇的,而低频效果-07低音炮,是他们的价格。