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1.利比里亚人 Liberia 利比里亚 247 Liberian 利比里亚人 248 Libreville 利伯维尔 249 ...

2.利比里亚的 Guatemala 危地马拉 Liberian 利比里亚的 Nicolas Maduro 尼古拉·马杜罗(委内瑞拉外长) ...

3.图书馆管理 ... 3015_ 补习班导师 Cram School Classroom Teacher 3022_ 图书馆管理 Liberian 3023_ 教材编辑人员 Textbook Edi…

4.图书管理员 28. Skinning 油漆起皮 29. Liberian 图书管理员 30. Make out with somebody 弄明白 ...

5.利比利亚人 ... 利比利亚 Liberia 利比利亚人 pberian 利比奇 Libitch ...

6.自由报 ... 利毛马尼斯 Limaumanis 利民 Liberian 利民 Limin ...


1.At the moment she might be able to afford it. Demand for Liberian minerals is robust.目前她也许还负担得起,因为对利比里亚矿产的需求还很强健。

2.There might be precedent in the case of Chuckie Taylor, a U. S. citizen and son of the former Liberian warlord Charles Taylor.朱基.泰勒案就是一个先例,他是美国公民,也是前利比亚军阀查尔斯泰勒的儿子。

3."The credit goes to the Liberian people, " she said in the capital Monrovia after hearing the announcement from Oslo.瑟利夫在首都蒙罗维亚听到奥斯陆传来的消息后,说:「赖比瑞亚人民也分享这份荣誉。」

4.The United States is working with the Liberian government to restructure and professionapze Liberian security forces.美国正在与利比里亚政府共同对利比里亚安全部队进行改组和职业化训练。

5.The former Liberian President Charles Taylor has dismissed the war crimes charges against him as "pes"利比里亚前总统查尔斯·泰勒斥责针对其战争罪的指控全是一派胡言。

6.The company has completed more than 75 percent of the work with Liberian labor, says manager Tosca.经理托斯卡说,公司与利比里亚工人的劳动合同已经完成了75%。

7.Dozens of Liberian immigrants have gathered at the site of a devastating house fire in southwest Philadelphia.在费城西南区,多名利比里亚裔移民聚集在一处燃烧着大火的房子前。

8.The Liberian capital was the worst affected region, because it was the scene of heavy fighting between government soldiers and rebel forces.利比里亚首都是受影响最严重的地区,这里政府军士兵和叛军军队激烈交战。

9.But most of her work is about offering elementary education to Liberian girls.但是Ward小姐主要的工作还是给利比里亚女孩们提供基础教育。

10.A war crimes court says prosecutors can call model Naomi Campbell to testify at the trial of former Liberian President Charles Taylor.一个战争罪行法庭说,控方可以传唤模特纳奥米·坎贝尔在前利比里亚总统查尔斯·泰勒的审判中出庭作证。