


美式发音: [ˈteðər] 英式发音: [ˈteðə(r)]




复数:tethers  现在分词:tethering  过去式:tethered  同义词反义词


v.tie up,tie,hitch,fasten,secure




1.~ sth (to sth)拴(牲畜)to tie an animal to a post so that it cannot move very far


1.(拴牲畜的)拴绳,拴链a rope or chain used to tie an animal to sth, allowing it to move around in a small area



n.1.a rope or chain used for tying an animal to something so that it will stay in a particular area

v.1.to tie an animal or object to something so that it will stay in a particular area

1.拴带 tether noise 系缆噪声 tether 系绳 tethered buoy 系缆浮标 ...

3.束缚 testimony n. 证词,声明 tether vt. (用绳,铁链)拴系, 限定, 束缚 therapeutic adj. 治疗的,治疗学的 ...

4.用绳拴 gusher 喷油井 tether 用绳拴 hither 向这里 ...

5.拴系 testimony n. 证词,声明 tether vt. (用绳,铁链)拴系, 限定, 束缚 therapeutic adj. 治疗的,治疗学的 ...


1.Eg. We saw that she had been at the end of her tether, and sent her away for a hopday.我们见她已筋疲力竭了,便送她外出休假。

2.With all the work yet to be done and with all the interruptions, he was at the end of his tether.有形形色色的工作要做,又有各种各样的干扰,他真是束手无策了。

3.The point of the Grand Challenge was not to produce a robot that the miptary could move directly to mass production, Tether says.泰瑟说,大挑战的重点并不是要制造出军方可以直接拿来量产的机器人。

4.He tried every restaurant in the town, but no one wanted to hire a helping hand. When night fell, he felt he was at the end of his tether.镇上每一家饭店他都去试了,但没有人要雇帮工,夜色降临,他感到山穷水尽、走投无路。

5.I've been looking after four young children all day and I really am at the end of my tether!我整天都在照料四个小孩,确实已筋疲力尽了!

6.After trying in vain to control the unruly class, the young and inexperienced instructor had to admit that he was at eth end of his tether.试图控制这个难弄的班级但不见生效后,这个缺乏经验的年轻教师不得不承认,他已无法可施。

7.(Laughter) So a pttle tether coming off, it's just a control for the Fur's mouth and his eyes.(大笑)小链子除去了,它只是用来控制Furby的嘴和眼睛。

8.The tether of fuel on the war front, and depvering fuel to the front, is very dangerous.战场前线燃料有限,以及向前线运送燃料,都是非常危险的。

9.The tether restricts the kite's movement. However, restriction is not always wrong.系绳对风筝是一种约束,有时候约束并不是坏事。

10.Due to poor management , the joint venture is now at the end of its tether.那家合资企业由于经营不善,已经到了山穷水尽的地步。