




1.巴萨以前在巴萨(Barca)住过两年所以大体知道巴萨(Barca)和欧洲(Europe)的酒店质量不错。 肯定还会再来住的。

2.巴尔卡它起源于一种叫巴尔卡barca)的渔船,此种渔船仅有20至30吨[⑩]。卡拉维尔船之深大约不如卡拉克 船。

3.巴塞罗那+ 巴塞罗那Barca) 手机店铺活动公告 欢迎访问蓝黑军火库手机店铺 客户端下载 手机店铺地址 http://shop33516792.m.taoba…

4.巴卡对巴卡Barca)的人民犯下了可怕的暴行的昔兰尼的菲瑞提墨(Pheretime)公主活活地被虫子吃掉了:“因为过度的复仇招致 …

5.日星喷射飞航 TurboJET Foilcat 日星Barca),祥星(Penha)by ho hohoho 1,141 views 5:42 新渡轮三层船(新兴)开往梅窝。

6.巴克雷  他的音乐才华被巴克雷|(Barca)唱片公司总裁发掘,邀他为该公司旗下的首席歌星,担任录音伴奏。   曾分别为法国著名的歌星夏 …


1.Barca, is seems to me, are now so far ahead of any other club.如果我能在巴萨踢上哪怕一年,那将是我职业生涯的顶峰。

2.He's not used to what they're asking of him at Barca. . .他还没有习惯巴萨要求他承担的角色…老球员要玩新花样很难。

3.The 32-year-old still has a year remaining on his contract at Barca but the Spanish club are prepared to allow him to leave for free.这位32岁的球员仍然有一年的合约在身,但是巴萨准备让他以自由身离开。

4.The manager was then asked if he would instruct any of his defenders to rough up Lionel Messi, Barca's key man, on Wednesday night.随后温格被问及是否会在周三晚的大战中布置专人防守巴萨的核心梅西时,他答道。

5."The 'pttle captain' would be a great boost for Barca, " said the reigning World Player of the Year.我们的“小队长”将会对巴萨起到很大的激励作用。年度最佳球员梅西说。

6.That form is reported to have caught the eye of Barca, but Mascherano is unaware of any interest from the UEFA Champions League winners.马斯切拉诺的良好状态已经吸引了巴塞罗那的目光,但是马斯切拉诺对加盟新科欧洲冠军完全提不起任何兴趣。

7.His abipty to change the course of a match made him the reference point of the Barca attack and one of the truly great footbalpng icons .他足以改变整个比赛进程的个人能力让他成为巴塞组织进攻的核心,也使他成为真正的足球巨星。

8.As soon as he gets offered to coach Barca B, and I remember he asked me about it, I told him he should accept right away.当他成为B队教练时,他问过我有关这方面的问题,我告诉他他应该接受任命。

9.At the Bernabeu in his first El Clasico, he played 66 minutes without scoring and had to leave while Barca were up by a goal.在伯纳乌的第一次德比中,他踢了66分钟一球未进然后不得不下场,巴萨也以1-0赢得比赛。

10.It promises to be the ultimate test of the Special One's powers as some of Barca's performances this season have been breathtaking.这对一个人的能力是一种考验,因为巴萨在本赛季的表现是惊人的。