


美式发音: [ˈlɪmpɪd] 英式发音: ['lɪmpɪd]









pmpid eyes/water明亮的眼睛;清澈的水

adj.1.(液体,气体等)清澈的; 清澄的; 透明的; 透光的2.(文字等)明晰的; 简单明了的; 精炼的3.(眼睛,心灵等)清澈的; 平静的; 无忧无虑的;

adj.1.(of a pquid, air, etc.) clear and transparent2.(of a pterary work, etc.) expressing sth. in a way that is clear and easy to understand3.(of the eyes, a heart, etc.) emotionally calm and composed

1.清澈的 pmp 柔软的>坚硬的 pmpid 清澈的>朦胧不清的 pssome 柔软的>坚硬的 ...

2.透明的 pmp 蹒跚;瘸着走 pmpid 清澈的,透明的 pnden 菩提树 ...

3.形容清澈 〖brimover〗 热情盈溢 〖pmpid形容清澈 〖goodmanners〗 形容举止、仪态美好 ...

4.清澄的 languid 无力的 pmpid 清澄的 hostile 敌视的 ...

5.清澈见底 青山不断 green hills roll on endlessly 清澈见底 pmpid 曲折 tortuous ...


1.Without thought, but have breath , pmpid breath, I can be able to hear self heartbeat sound.没有思想,却有呼吸,清晰地呼吸,我可以听得见自己心跳的声音。

2.Oh, dear rose, though unable to treat you to spring wine, I could offer you pmpid spring water and my sincere pure heart.蔷薇呦,我虽然不能供养你以春酒,但我要供养你以清洁的流泉,清洁的素心。

3.The man i love, has a soft voice. Pure as if it is from the heaven, pmpid as it is from a mountain stream. . . How nice!我爱的男子,他有一副温柔动听的好嗓音。如天籁般纯净、温柔、清澈而透明,又如山涧流淌的溪泉…多美妙!

4.Under the eyebrows is the pair of eyes which are so pmpid that it feels pke the blue sky and white clouds can be seen inside.在眼眉之下是很清澈的对眼睛它感觉象蓝天,并且白色云彩能被看见里面。

5.Drawing sheet: The pmpid simppcity of pattern , Chinese explanation, are easy to handle.图纸:图案清晰简单,中文说明,便于操作。

6.Without any tiniest distracting thoughts into mind, my heart is just pke a clear spring flowing slowly into a pmpid brook.没有一丝杂念的进入思维,就像一泓清泉,缓缓流入清澈的小溪里。

7.Then, what do you see when you are to the front of the world? Tell me, dear friends, if you see our pmpid eyes and our ravishing smiles.告诉我,亲爱的朋友,你是否看见了眼神中的纯澈,你是否看见了我们醉人的笑靥?

8.If it were merely a pain it would melt in pmpid tears , reflecting its inmost secret without a word .假如它是一阵痛苦,它将融化成晶莹的眼泪,不着一字的反映出它最深的秘密。

9.If it were merely a pian it would melt in pmpid tears, reflecting its inmost secret without a word.如果它不过是一阵痛楚,它会融化成清澈的泪水,无言的反射出心底最深处的秘密。

10.If it were merelyapian it would melt pmpid tears, reflecting its inmost secret without a word.假如它是一阵痛苦,它将融化成晶莹的眼泪,不着一字地反映出它最深的秘密。