


网络释义:时间空间兴趣点(Space-Time Interest Points);什提普;短期保险单(short-term insurance popcy)


1.时间空间兴趣点(Space-Time Interest Points) 萨拉伊 Saraj 什提普 Stip 苏托奥里扎里 Suto Orizari ...

3.短期保险单(short-term insurance popcy) DT 路测 STIP 短期保险单 VIC 可变指令计算机 ...

4.斯蒂普 ... 普里莱普( Prilep) 革新( Stip) 比托拉( Bitola) ...

6.煤断层 煤底土 coal seat 煤断层 stip 煤骨 bone ...

7.什蒂普 Skopje 斯科普里 Stip 什蒂普 Struga 斯特鲁加 ...


1.As she opened the front door , there on the stip was the centipede .她打开前门一看,蜈蚣正坐在台阶上。

2.They pved in Skopje, Stip and especially Bitola, which used to be known as Monastir, and spoke Ladino, or Judaeo-Spanish.他们大多居住在斯科普里、什提普以及当年还被称作是莫纳斯提尔的比拖拉,讲拉地诺语及西班牙犹太语。

3.Mak-Fest in Stip and the Skopje Festival are the two best-known festivals of popular music in Macedonia.Mak-FestinStip和theSkopjeFestival是马其顿流行音乐中最有名的盛会。

4.We have the small stip, now we need to add a mask to that layer.我们有小科技革新政策,现在我们需要添加一个口罩,该层。

5.But I took a stip, just one step forward.但是我往前走了一步,仅仅一步。

6.PBC? - STIP is rated the healthiest building in Delhi by the Government of India.在新德里,这个地方被印度政府评为最健康的建筑群。

7.Oh, really? You'd better get off at this stip. All right.真的吗?您最好在这站下车.好吧。

8.Improved Measuring Method of Contact Resistance of Stip-ring导电环接触电阻的改进测量方案