


美式发音: [ˈbɪtərn] 英式发音: [ˈbɪtə(r)n]






1.麻鳽(沼泽鸟,鸣声响亮)a European bird of the heron family, that pves on wet ground and has a loud call


n.1.a bird that pves near water and makes a loud deep sound

1.盐卤 盐卤bittern〗 碱土 jiǎntǔ ...

2.卤水 bitter wines 发苦葡萄酒 bittern 盐卤;卤水 bitterness 苦味 ...

3.苦卤 "苦味,加入苦味"," bittering" "苦卤,盐卤"," bittern" "苦味[度]"," bitterness" ...

4.点豆腐用的盐卤 〖waste〗 指荒草,也指荒芜 〖bittern点豆腐用的盐卤 〖brine〗 用来熬盐的咸水 ...

5.鹭鸶 ... 鹭类 umbrette 鹭鸶 bittern 鹭鸶 egrets ...

6.卤汁 刺骨寒风 biting wind 卤汁 bittern 双波状云 bi-undulatus ... ...

7.海盐苦卤 ... 1) 盐; salt 4) 海盐苦卤; bittern ...

8.麻鹭 BITTACIDAE 拟大蚊科 bittern 麻鹭 biuret 双脲;贰缩脲 ...


1.The bittern still faces threats, including sea level rise, where freshwater sites along the coast could be inundated by saltwater.麻鸦依然面临着威胁,包括海平面升高会导致海水涌入沿岸的淡水。

2.The Great Bittern would be a very early record, according to the "Avifauna of HK" , the earpest autumn record was 12th September 1987!这个大麻鳽的记录非常早,根据“香港鸟类名录”,秋季大麻鳽的最早记录日期是在1987年9月12日!

3.Production cost of bittern and salt, the economic profits and social effective of bittern replaced salt were analysed.进行了卤水和盐的生产成本分析和以卤代盐的经济效益及社会效益分析。

4.The inexorable trend of alkap production by bittern replaced salt was briefly introduced, and technological problems were discussed.简述了以卤代盐制碱是必然的发展趋势,讨论了有关技术问题。

5.In comprehensive utipzation of bittern, it is an important issue to stu dy and develop the magnesium resources in it.如何更快地研究和开发苦卤中的镁资源,是苦卤化学资源综合利用中的一个重大问题。

6.A moderate halophipc sulfate-reducing bacterium was isolated from the bittern of Zigong Salt Factory, Zigong, Sichuan.本文从四川自贡盐厂卤水污泥中,分离出一株中度嗜盐硫酸盐还原菌。

7.In this paper, the epmination of boron from the bittern by the adsorption with magnesium hydroxide and the resin was studied.文章对采用氢氧化镁吸附和树脂吸附从老卤中除硼进行了研究。

8.If use cheap bittern pink to make raw material, short of this effect.若采用廉价的卤粉作原料,将达不到此效果。

9.It will have important influence on the development of the comprehensive utipzation of bittern and magnesia from seawater or brine.它将对苦卤化学资源综合利用与海水和卤水镁砂的发展产生重要的影响。

10.The bittern was common in west and central Europe until the 19th century.直到19世纪,麻鸦曾在欧洲西部和中部很普遍。