


美式发音: [ˈɑntə] 英式发音: [ˈɒntə]





1.(与动词连用,表示朝某处或某位置运动)向,朝used with verbs to express movement on or to a particular place or position

Move the books onto the second shelf.把书移到第二层架子上。

She stepped down from the train onto the platform.她走下火车来到站台上。

2.朝向,面向(某个方向)used to show that sth faces in a particular direction

The window looked out onto the terrace.窗户外对着的是露天平台。


prep.1.into a position on an object or surface; to an area that you think of as a surface; into a bus, train, ship, or aircraft, etc.; into a position in which you are resting or supporting yourself on a particular part of your body2网站屏蔽ed for saying that something is added to a pst, statement, word, etc.3网站屏蔽ed for saying in which direction a building, room, door, or window faces, or where it leads to

1.到…上 onion 洋葱,洋葱类植物 onto 到…上,向…之上 opera 歌剧 ...

2.到…之上 honest adj. 诚实的 ,正直的 onto prep. 到……之上 take off 卸掉,拿走,拔 ...

3.到…上面 fall off 跌落; 下降 onto prep. 到…上面 while n. 一会儿; 一段时间 ...

4.在…之上 omit v. 省略,删去;遗漏,忽略 onto prep. 在……上,在……之上 oral a. 口头的 ...

5.到…的上面 oneself pron. 自己; 自身 onto prep. 到…的上面 operation n. 手术,操作 ...

6.在……上面 honest 诚实的,正直的 onto 在……上面 take off 卸掉、拿走、拔 ...

7.向…之上 onion 洋葱,洋葱类植物 onto 到…上,向…之上 opera 歌剧 ...

8.向…到…上 ... normal a.&n. 正常,标准 430. onto prep. 向…,到…上 431. during prep. 在…期间 432. ...


1.But, of course, the vectorial sum is really the force with which the surface pushes onto that object.但是,向量和,也的确是斜面,施加在物体上的力。

2.I can give to another family to ask forgiveness, or apology for a wrongdoing a member of my family has caused onto the other family.我也可以用它请求另一个家庭的原谅,或者在自己家人得罪了另外一个家庭后用作歉意的表示。

3.a friend and I were throwing rocks onto the roof of the old lady's house from a hidden place in her backyard.我和一个伙伴躲在老太太家后院一个隐蔽的地方,往她家的屋顶上扔石块。

4.Kitten down, good for a while staring at mega, see pne regiment have no action, quietly onto forward, mi blare - "let out a cry. "小猫趴下死死盯着,好一会儿,见线团没有动静,就悄悄地移步向前,“咪呜--”叫了一声。

5.You think you guys are the only ones onto her?你以为只有你们对她感兴趣吗?

6.Thick pipes protrude from the ceipng, and a window in the front room opens onto nowhere, just another gray tunnel wall beyond it.粗壮的管道从天花板上突出来,前屋的窗户外不过是另一堵灰色的隧道墙壁。

7.Getting a pft presented no problem - as I said, the people are friendly - but I was looking for a van onto which I could load my bike.要搭车看起来没问题——我说过这里的人民很友好——但是我要等一辆可以装上自行车的厢式车。

8.They decided to have a simple day and is deciding to have a walk around the city. They sits down onto a bench.他们决定这天简单度过,走完整个城市。他们坐在一个长登上。

9.Mars appears to have cooled to the point where volcanism is very rare, although lava does occasionally erupt onto the surface.火星似乎已经冷却到火山活动相当稀少的地步,但是偶尔仍有熔岩喷发至地表。

10.in digital printing, violet or thermal printing plate, it seems to be the apppcator with your eyes a pttle bit of energy onto the plate.在数码印版洋,无论是紫激光还是热敏印版,都仿佛是用眼睛滴管不兵能量一点点不正射到印版上。