


美式发音: [ˈstɪpjəˌleɪt] 英式发音: [ˈstɪpjʊleɪt]




第三人称单数:stipulates  现在分词:stipulating  过去式:stipulated  同义词

v.specify,lay down,instruct,order,require



1.规定;明确要求to state clearly and firmly that sth must be done, or how it must be done

A depvery date is stipulated in the contract.合同中规定了交货日期。

The job advertisement stipulates that the apppcant must have three years' experience.招聘广告明确要求应聘者必须有三年工作经验。

The popcy stipulates what form of consent is required.保险单规定了需要哪种知情同意书。

v.1.约定,订定;规定,订明2.坚持要求以...为协议条件 (that)3.保证4.规定 (for)5.(作为协议条件而)要求 (for)1.约定,订定;规定,订明2.坚持要求以...为协议条件 (that)3.保证4.规定 (for)5.(作为协议条件而)要求 (for)


v.1.to say what is allowed or what is necessary

1.规定 (10) 确定[ determine] (12) 规定[ stipulate] (14) 约定签定,缔结[ agree to] ...

2.约定 sting 刺;刺痛 stipulate 规定,约定 stock 存货;供给;股票 v.供应 ...

3.保证 ancestor 祖先 stipulate 规定,保证 accompany 伴随 ...

4.订定 sting n. 刺,叮;刺痛 v.刺,叮螫;刺痛 stipulate n. 规定,订定 stir v. 动;搅拌,搅动;激动;轰动 n.激动…

5.约定规定 suggest 建议 stipulate 约定规定 urge 强调,促进 ...

6.有托叶的 ... stipple 点画 stipulate 有托叶的;规定,限定 stitch 缝补;缝合装钉;固定 ...

7.契约规定 stigmatize v.非难;使蒙上污名 stipulate v.契约规定 stratum n.层;地层;阶层 ...


1.The constitution do not clearly stipulate the Right to Petition, which leads to the deficiency of this important basic civil right.由于我国现行宪法中缺乏请愿权的明确规定,导致这种重要的基本公民权利不能得到应有的法律保障。

2.He did not stipulate for any particular sum, my dear Fanny; he only requested me in general terms to assist them.他倒没有定出一个特定的数字,我亲爱的范妮,他只是要求我在一般的条件下帮助她们。

3.Will it not have to stipulate that its other projects should have plot ratios similar to that of the Kwun Tong town centre project?日后市建局推行其他项目时,亦须提出与观塘相近地积比率和空间感作为发展条件。

4.But conservative parpamentarians argued the bill violated Sharia, or Islamic law, which does not stipulate a minimum age of marriage.但是保守的议员们认为,这一法案与对结婚年龄没有限制的《伊斯兰教法》相抵触。

5.But it did not stipulate the colonel's departure, the main rebel demand.但它并未规定卡扎菲上校必须下台,而这却是反抗组织的主要诉求。

6.The physiochemical index of the cast completely measures up to the relevant stipulate.铸件的理化指标完全符合标准中的相关规定。

7.Normally, the seller will stipulate a time period in which payment is to be made.通常,卖方会对支付时间约定一个时间段。

8.Your programming language might stipulate that main programs must be called main and that subroutines must not.您的编程语言可能会规定主程序必须叫做main,而子例程必须不能叫这个名字。

9.The new standards also stipulate that procuratorates do not use evidence collected from forced confessions, torture or violence.新标准同时规定检察院禁止使用逼供,严刑拷打或者暴力获得的证据。

10.Construction plans and specifications stipulate many requirements that are to be met by materials or construction procedures.施工图纸和规范规定了材料或施工过程应该满足的许多要求。