


美式发音: [ˈloʊnər] 英式发音: [ˈləʊnə(r)]



复数:loners  同义词

n.recluse,hermit,lone wolf,outsider



1.独来独往的人;喜欢独处的人;不合群的人a person who is often alone or who prefers to be alone, rather than with other people


n.1.someone who pkes to be alone and has few friends

1.孤独的人 lonely 孤独的 loner 孤独的人 monophobia 孤独恐惧症 ...

2.戴逸 ... 生物专家 Living 独行侠 Loner 心灵手巧 Master Thief ...

4.孤立者 昏迷 coma 单身 孤立者 自闭症 Loner 失踪 MISSIONG ...

5.孤独者 MISER:STINGY 吝啬鬼 : 吝啬的 loner:soptary 孤独者 : 孤独的 AQUEDUCT:WATER 引水渠 …

6.不合群的动物 gifford n. 吉福德 loner n. 孤独的人, 不合群的动物 tramp v. 重步行走, 踏, 践, 践踏 ...

7.孤独不合群sitive) 具有远见 (Foresight) 孤独不合群 (Loner) 性格暴躁/易怒 (Irritable) 不善交际 (Asocial) 含糊其辞 (Non-exppcit) 自...

8.孤僻 36.有戒心 Skeptical 37.孤僻 Loner 38.多疑 Suspicious ...


1.He was, he said, "a bit of a loner" ; no party satisfied his restless, hungry and intermittently gloomy spirit.他如他所说的,“有点孤独”;没有什么政党能满足他不平静的、饥渴的、又间或阴沉的精神。

2.she used to be a loner, but now she could get along with all her friends pretty well.她原来很孤僻現在和朋友相處的很好。

3."There's never been a movie starring an ogre, " says Rossio, who co-created the loner Shrek and is one of the film's co-producers.“有没有被电影主演的食人魔说:”Rossio广场,谁的合作创造了孤独的史瑞克,是该影片的联合制作人之一。

4.Tom said if he had to be a loner for the rest of his high school years , it was better than spending time with them.汤姆说即使他不得不独自度过高中生活的剩余日子,也远比和这样一群人待在一起要好得多。起要好得多。

5.Being a loner, he never really talked to her before so he takes this opportunity to grab a cup of coffee with her.东浩作为一个孤独的人,他从来没有真正和她说过话,所以他借此机会去与她一起喝咖啡。

6.Ah Shen, a recruit, was a bit of a loner.新兵阿申是一个有点孤独的人。

7.He was something of a loner, and his early pursuits included studying magic tricks and ham radio.早年的他有些孤僻,爱好变戏法和业余无线电。

8.Willard was strict- ly a loner who seemed to have no desire or need to break his barrier of silence.威拉德是严格思亮独来独往似乎谁不希望也不需要打破他的沉默的障碍。

9.An obsessed loner encounters a hairy problem: the cherry blossoms tree growing out of his attracting crowds.一个特立独行的人头发出了点问题:一棵樱花树长了出来。

10.The exotic animal known as Scott is a loner, but an alpha male. So hierarchy matters, but being in a group doesn't so much.这个叫斯科特的动物不合群,却是个男人中的男人,所以等级观念很重要,但合不合群不重要。