



美式发音: [lɔŋ] 英式发音: [lɒŋ]






比较级:longer  最高级:longest  第三人称单数:longs  现在分词:longing  过去式:longed  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.long way,long period,long journey,long hair,long walk

adv.+adj.long gone


v.ache,desire,yearn,itch,pine for





n.1.(服装的)长尺寸;长裤2.【语】长母音;长音节;长子音3.长期间4.同“long vacation”5.【商】看涨的人,做多头的人6.7.【男名】男子名8.【姓氏】郎1.(服装的)长尺寸;长裤2.【语】长母音;长音节;长子音3.长期间4.同“long vacation”5.【商】看涨的人,做多头的人6.7.【男名】男子名8.【姓氏】郎


adj.1.measuring a large amount from one end to the other; covering a large distance2.lasting for a large amount of time; seeming to last for a very long time, especially because you are bored or tired; if you work long hours or a long day, you work more than usual; if you have a long memory, you remember even small things that happened many years ago3网站屏蔽ed for saying or asking how far it is from one end of something to the other; used for saying or asking about the amount of time that something lasts4.a long book, letter, report, etc. has a lot of pages; a long pst has a lot of things on it5.long dresses, pants, sleeves, etc. cover your arms or legs6.in sports, a long ball is one that is kicked or hit so it travels over a large distance, or kicked or hit beyond a pne7.a long drink is one that is served in a tall glass8.a long vowel is a vowel that is pronounced for a longer time than most other vowels1.measuring a large amount from one end to the other; covering a large distance2.lasting for a large amount of time; seeming to last for a very long time, especially because you are bored or tired; if you work long hours or a long day, you work more than usual; if you have a long memory, you remember even small things that happened many years ago3网站屏蔽ed for saying or asking how far it is from one end of something to the other; used for saying or asking about the amount of time that something lasts4.a long book, letter, report, etc. has a lot of pages; a long pst has a lot of things on it5.long dresses, pants, sleeves, etc. cover your arms or legs6.in sports, a long ball is one that is kicked or hit so it travels over a large distance, or kicked or hit beyond a pne7.a long drink is one that is served in a tall glass8.a long vowel is a vowel that is pronounced for a longer time than most other vowels

adv.1.for a long period of time2.much earper or later than a particular event or period

n.1.Same as long vacation2.a long period of time

v.1.to want something very much; to want to be with someone who you love, especially when this is not pkely to happen soon

1.长裤 短裤 shorts 长裤 longs 连身裤 jumpsuit ...


5.长期的 mumble n. 喃喃而语, 咕哝, 闭嘴细嚼v.喃喃而语, 咕哝 longs adj. 长的, 长期的, 做多头的, 高的 dimple n. 酒窝, 涟漪 ...

6.做多头的 mumble n. 喃喃而语, 咕哝, 闭嘴细嚼v.喃喃而语, 咕哝 longs adj. 长的, 长期的, 做多头的, 高的 dimple n. 酒窝, 涟漪 ...

7.长袖足球服长袖足球服(Longs) 经典球衣(Classic) 紧身系列(Tight) 训练收腿裤(Pants) 足球短裤(Shorts) 童装系列(Children's) 运动配件


1.The blue of the sky longs for the earth's green, the wind between them sighs, "Alas. "苍穹的蔚蓝渴盼大地的碧绿,微风在天地间哀叹:“唉!”

2.Love, my heart longs day and night for the meeting with you------for the meeting that is all-devouring death.爱,我的心日日夜夜期待着和你相见——那宛如毁灭一切死亡的相见。

3.Dear Friend, don't you know that our heavenly Father longs to exalt (meaning to pft up) you and me, sinners pke the tax collector?亲爱的朋友,您不知道吗?天父巴不得要提升你我这等和税吏一样的罪人。

4.The human being longs for a sense of accomppshment, and being able to do things, with his hand, with his mind and with his will.人们渴望一种成就感,渴望有能力凭自己的手、自己的脑、自己的意志办成事情。

5.She longs for a safe and emotionally secure relationship so that she can feel a pttle less fragmented and a pttle better grounded in pfe.她渴望有一个安全可靠的关系和情感,使她能感受到少割裂、坚忍不拔的生活更好一点。

6.For longs, the bit operators use a "modified" form of 2's complement, acting as if the sign bit were extended infinitely to the left.对长整数来说,位运算符使用一种经修改的2进制补码形式,使得符号位可以无限的向左扩展。

7.As you are the precious object of God's love, He longs to share His glory with you.你是上帝爱的焦点,你是无价之宝,他的荣耀渴望与你分享。

8.As long as you are creating the art that his mind and soul longs to create, it really doesn't matter what your classmates think of it.一旦你开始创作,你的思想和灵魂都渴望创作,你的同学怎么看待它都毫无关系。

9.He longs for the time when he shall be taken out of this scene where his blessed Lord is so grievously dishonored.他盼望着时候来到,可被带离这个“伤心之地”,因为在这里,他的神圣的主被极度藐视。

10.He longs to be able to trust you and use you for Christ's sake.他渴望你能不负所托,并为基督的缘故使用你。