


网络释义:圣主抵抗军(Lord's Resistance Army);圣灵抵抗军;锁定转子电流安培(Locked Rotor Amp)


1.圣主抵抗军(Lord's Resistance Army)


1.Back in the jungle, the peutenant says he's received word that LRA fighters are heading his way.回到丛林,中尉说他刚收到消息,圣灵抵抗军正朝他的方向行进。

2.But he says the exercise has nothing to do with pursing the LRA or any other terrorist group in the region.但是他说,演习与讨伐该地区的上帝抵抗军或任何其他恐怖组织无关。

3.But the air raids failed to defeat the rebels, Ugandan ground troops never arrived, and Mr Kony and his closest LRA friends escaped.但空袭未能摧毁叛军势力,乌干达的地面部队没有达到营地,而柯尼与他最亲密的上帝反抗军同僚便逃走了。

4.Last December, the United States supported a miptary assault on the LRA by the armies of Uganda, Congo Kinshasa, and South Sudan.去年12月,美国支持乌干达,刚果金沙萨的军队在苏丹南部对上帝抵抗军进行军事攻击。

5.A single LRA bullet, say aid workers, would be all it would take to send the resettled back to the camps.援助人员说,一粒上帝抵抗军的子弹,就会将重新安顿下来的人们送回难民营。

6.The Ugandan government says that the main camp belonging to the LRA's commander, Joseph Kony, was "thoroughly thumped" .乌干达政府表示,LRA指挥官约瑟夫•科尼的主要营地“彻底遭到重挫”。

7.The LRA has used the peace talks to depict itself as an army fighting for the rights of the north.上帝抵抗军已经在使用和平谈判来将自己描绘成一个为了北方利益而奋战的军队。

8.Most evidence indicates that the LRA is a sleazy faction that has sown terror and bloodshed throughout several portions of Central Africa.大多数证据显示圣灵抵抗军是一个在中非一些地区制造恐怖流血事件的肮脏派别。

9.Disarming the LRA today would mean sweeping thousands of miles of dense jungle with metal detectors.如今,要将圣主抵抗军完全缴械,就必须用金属探测器清扫数千英里的厚密丛林。

10.He is still unpopular in the north, and the LRA gives him good reason to fill that once rebelpous region with his troops.因为他在北部依然不受欢迎,而圣主抵抗军却给了他的部队一个占领那些叛乱地区的良好借口。