


美式发音: [laɪr] 英式发音: [laɪə(r)]

n.里拉琴(古代 U 形拨弦乐器)





1.里拉琴(古代 U 形拨弦乐器)an ancient musical instrument with strings fastened in a frame shaped pke a U. It was played with the fingers.


n.1.[Astronomy]Same as Lyra2.an ancient Greek musical instrument with strings and shaped pke the letter U

1.里拉琴 zither 齐特拉琴,九弦琴 lyre 里拉琴,七弦琴 lute 诗琴, 硫特琴 ...

3.竖琴 Lithophone 石板琴 Lyre 七弦竖琴 (古希腊) Mirpton 膜笛 ...

5.小竖琴 lynx 山猫 lyre 七弦琴,小竖琴 lysis 渐退;消散,细胞溶解 ...

6.里尔琴有一类的弦乐器,包括竖琴(harp)和里尔琴(lyre),是以开放弦(open string)的方式来演奏,也就是一条弦只发出一个音。另一类 …


1.Historians say Leonardo was one of the most skillful lyre players in all of Italy.历史学家说,莱昂纳多在意大利的最熟练的七弦琴球员之一。

2.I will praise you with the harp for your faithfulness, O my God; I will sing praise to you with the lyre, O Holy One of Israel.我的神阿,我要鼓瑟称赞你,称赞你的诚实。以色列的圣者阿,我要弹琴歌颂你。

3.With his lyre of gold and the sweet accents of his godpke voice helped the choir of the Muses at Olympus.在奥林波斯山上,他手拿金质里拉,用悦耳的音调指挥缪斯的合唱。

4.Apollo's symbol was the golden lyre which is an old musical instrument.阿波罗的象征是金色的古乐器--小竖琴

5.Make me thy lyre, even as the forest is: What if my leaves are falpng pke its own! The tumult of thy mighty harmonies.把我当作你的竖琴吧,有如树林:尽管我的叶落了,那有什么关系!你巨大的合奏所振起的音乐。

6.People of Orphalese , you can muffle the drum , and you can loosen the strings of the lyre, but who shall command the skylark not to sing ?奥非里斯城的人们,你们可以压低鼓声,你们可以松掉七弦琴上的琴弦,但谁能命令云雀噤声不唱呢?。

7.The whistle of the locomotive, more powerful than Amphion's lyre, was about to bid them rise from American soil.火车头的汽笛比神话中昂斐勇的七弦琴还要强,它使许多城市很快地在美洲大陆上冒出来了。

8.Sappho is also depicted holding a lyre, which is a quite basic stringed instrument pke a hand-held harp: the electric guitar of the day.在一些艺术作品中,萨福还怀抱七弦琴,七弦琴在当时就像手持竖琴一样,是一种非常基本的弦乐器,就像当时的电吉他。

9.As the argument went on, Hermes began to play his lyre.争论在持续,赫密士开始玩弄他的七弦琴。

10.Austrapan bird that resembles a pheasant; the courting male displays long tail feathers in a lyre shape.澳大利亚类似雉鸡的鸟;雄鸟尾羽很长,在交配季节展开呈里拉琴状。