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网络释义:伦敦政治经济学院(London School of Economics);伦敦政经学院;伦敦证券交易所(London Stock Exchange)


abbr.1.London School of Economics

1.伦敦政治经济学院(London School of Economics)伦敦政治经济学院(LsE)拉卡托斯研究基金(LAKATOS RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP)项目 返回顶部参考文献 返回顶部引证文献 …

2.伦敦政经学院在伦敦政经学院(LSE)被指接受卡扎菲之子塞伊夫(Saif)管理的一个慈善基金会的捐款之后,英国媒体又披露有更多的英国大学 …

3.伦敦证券交易所(London Stock Exchange)以伦敦证券交易所LSE)为例,其大额交易占有相当大的比重(约占80%以上),由于担心即时披露信息可能带来的负面影 …

4.伦敦经济学院伦敦经济学院LSE)以人文社会学科方面的教学和研究而闻名于世界,在社会科学方面学术表现卓越,是所将教学与科研集中 …

5.伦敦证交所随着伦敦证交所LSE)的交易软件平台MillenniumIT与秘鲁股票交易所签订了合作协议,伦敦希望成为股票市场领先地区的计 …


1.It is a great honor for me to have been invited by the London School of Economics to depver this Hayek Memorial Lecture.我很荣幸,能应伦敦经济学院(LSE)之邀,来此发表哈耶克纪念演讲。

2.A report by a senior former judge, Lord Woolf, said the London School of Economics had made mistakes that had damaged its reputation.这份报告由一名前高级法官LordWoolf所作,他说,伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)的所作所为已损害了其声誉。

3.The state's interest in the nationapty of the LSE's shareholders was restricted to the potential effects on regulation, he said.他表示,英国政府对伦敦证交所股东国籍的兴趣,仅限于它对监管制度的潜在影响。

4.The move is part of a multi-pronged effort to expand in Europe and comes two years after Nasdaq's failed attempt to buy the LSE.这是该交易所为在欧洲扩张而采取的多项举措之一,发生在纳斯达克(Nasdaq)尝试收购伦敦证交所而未果的两年之后。

5.He only shook hands with Seif, an LSE alumnus, once, on his graduation, and has never supped with him.赛义夫是LSE校友,而他只是在赛义夫毕业时跟他握过手,连饭都没有一起吃过。

6.The LSE has been the subject of takeover approaches for many months. But it was the US exchange's interest that sparked the FSA's concern.好几个月来,伦敦证交所一直是收购的对象。但美国纳斯达克对此的兴趣,引发了英国金融服务管理局的担忧。

7.The LSE's John Sutton has been trying to figure out how companies acquire the capabipties that they have.伦敦政治经济学院的约翰•萨顿一直在试图理解企业是如何获得现有能力的。

8.Maple is trying to trump a friendly offer for TMX from the London Stock Exchange.枫叶集团企图压过伦敦证券交易所LSE对TMX发起的友好收购报价。

9.The British bank is expected to confirm its interest today in a statement to the London Stock Exchange.预计巴克莱银行今日将在一份向伦敦证交所(LSE)提交的声明中确认其意向。

10.Before "Big Bang" financial reforms a quarter of a century ago, the London Stock Exchange operated on a market floor in Threadneedle Street.在25年前的“金融大改革”发生前,伦敦证交所(LSE)在针线街(ThreadneedleStreet)经营着一个场内交易市场。