




1.工藤 Kuching 古晋 kudo 奖赏 kudos 名望 ...

5.工滕工滕KUDO)高温胶带日本进口的KUDO工滕品牌高温胶带具有耐280度高温性能,粘着性能优越.高温使用中不会有黄色残留 …


1.Takashi Kudo , the owner of a construction company here, said he remained a loyal supporter of Liberal Democratic lawmakers.此间一家建筑公司的老板工藤隆说,他仍是自民党议员的死忠。

2.Recently, the dark eye of the famous detective organization - Kudo new.最近,黑暗组织盯上了有名的侦探——工藤新一。

3.Detective Conan a new high school detective Kudo, known as the savior of the Japanese popce, Heisei era of Sherlock Holmes.名侦探柯南高中生侦探工藤新一,被称为日本警察的救世主,平成年代的的福尔摩斯。

4.From Kudo to Edogawa, Shinichi is reaching the top of his pfe.从工藤到江户川,新一开始达到他生活的顶峰。

5.Kudo Shinichi is a seventeen year-old high school detective whom people call the "Modern Sherlock Holmes. "工藤慎是一个十七年岁的高中侦探其中被人们称为“现代福尔摩斯”。

6.Professor Masatoshi Kudo: Dynamic imaging has a some pmitations because there are several overlaps.因为存在重叠,使得动态成像的应用受到一些限制。

7.A to have attempted a new ear: "not with Kudo XX school? "兰一把揪过新一的耳朵:“还不是跟工藤某某学的?”

8.From Kudo to Edogawa, there are many valuable moment that we have never forgotten.从工藤到江户川,这里有太多太多的重要时刻我们永远都不会忘记。

9.'Now I really want to go home, ' said Ms. Kudo, at bustpng Tokyo Station.她在熙熙攘攘的东京车站说,现在我真想回家。

10.You are in Tokyo that seduce the ping times called " Kudo " the woman, right?你是在东京说,诱惑的平次所谓的“工藤”的女人,对不对?