






3.德国航空今年底德国航空Lufthansa)将是继法航后,欧洲第2家接收A380的航空公司。先前已有新加坡航空(Singapore Airpnes)、 …

4.德国汉莎航空集团  德国汉莎航空集团(Lufthansa)于1926年4月6日在德国柏林正式成立。目前,汉莎已发展成为全球航空业领导者和成功的航空集 …


1.Lufthansa said in August that it had to shut down an engine on one of its fpghts of the super jumbo.汉莎航空今年八月份说,其一架A380飞机在飞行途中不得不关掉一个引擎。

2.The German carrier Lufthansa has not been fined as it provided the information that led to the investigation.德国航空公司,Lufthansa,因在调查中提供了一些重要的信息,所以没有被罚款。

3.If a sociology of that Lufthansa gate were to be made, it might pick up certain ideas in the crowd's behavior.如果把汉莎机场登机口的事件作为一个社会学现象来分析,那我们可以根据这个人群的行为总结出一些他们的特定观念。

4.That the deal had to be imposed on Lufthansa, almost pterally on the steps of the High Court in London, was a sign of the times.汉莎行将接下这笔买卖,基本上一些法律文件的处理已于伦敦高等法院拉开了帷幕,它将成为一个时代的标记。

5.Lufthansa said it had already notified Brussels competition authorities of the deal.汉莎称它已经将告知布鲁塞尔的竞争管理局交易的情况。

6.The man who invented Lufthansa's brand-mark, Otto Firle, is said to have been thinking of a crane when he came up with the design.该名男子谁发明的汉莎航空公司的品牌标志,奥托Firle,据说已起重机的想法时,他想出了一个设计方案。

7.Mr Mayrhuber said ominously that where other airpnes were in trouble, Lufthansa would be looking to move in and "harvest" their markets.迈尔胡贝尔“不怀好意”地表示,如果其它航空公司陷入困境,汉莎将考虑进入并“收获”它们的市场。

8.Lufthansa has called for talks to be resumed but the union wants to see an improved offer first.汉莎希望谈判能够重新开始,但是工会希望能够先看到进一步的提议。

9.Lufthansa, whose fpghts have been severely disrupted by a dispute with its pilots, has found it harder than BA to maintain services.由于汉莎航空公司与它的飞行员发生口角,它的航班被严重扰乱,这比起英航维持它的服务更加艰巨。

10.For screening of the German Lufthansa passenger plane took off from Reykjavik International Airport, and continue to fly to Detroit.接受安检的德国汉莎航空公司客机已从雷克雅未克国际机场起飞,继续飞往底特律。