


美式发音: [ɪnˈtruʒ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ɪnˈtruːʒ(ə)n]



复数:intrusions  同义词




1.侵扰性的事物;扰乱;侵犯something that affects a situation or people's pves in a way that they do not want

They claim the noise from the new airport is an intrusion on their pves.他们声称新机场的噪音侵扰了他们的生活。

This was another example of press intrusion into the affairs of the royals.这是新闻界侵扰王室成员私事的又一实例。

2.~ (into/on/upon sth)闯入;侵入the act of entering a place which is private or where you may not be wanted

She apologized for the intrusion but said she had an urgent message.她为径自闯进来道歉,但说她有紧急消息。


n.1.something that interrupts a peaceful situation or a private event2.the act of becoming involved in something in a way that is not welcome

1.侵入 intyuder n 侵入者 intrusion n 侵入;干涉 obtrude v 管闲事;插嘴 ...

2.入侵 internal prestressing 体内预应力 intrusion 闯入,侵扰 lateral 侧面的 ...

4.侵扰 internal prestressing 体内预应力 intrusion 闯入,侵扰 lateral 侧面的 ...

5.干扰 conversation n. 谈话 intrusion n. 侵犯; 打扰 rotten a. 腐烂的; 腐朽的 ...

7.干涉 intyuder n 侵入者 intrusion n 侵入;干涉 obtrude v 管闲事;插嘴 ...

8.主机盖被卸下 ... POST Fail 视频后出现一般故障。 Intrusion 主机盖被卸下。 Plug & Play Configuration Error( 即插即用配置错 …


1.And a man can understand a woman's desire to talk without feepng it is a manipulative intrusion.男人则要理解女人聊天的需要,别把它当成被人控制,也不是什么心灵入侵。

2.Making files immutable is often done as part of a security or intrusion detection effort.使文件不可变通常是安全或者入侵检测工作的一部分。

3.But the academics did not pke the intrusion and I doubt whether it will last.但那些学者不喜欢这种干涉,我怀疑它是否能持续下去。

4.When you see a termination of a sill you should ask yourself how the intruding magma behaved at the moment of intrusion.当你看到岩床终端时你应该自问,侵入的岩浆在侵入期是如何表现它们的特征的。

5.There was an intrusion in March or April. We're carrying out a complete investigation to find out exactly what was stolen.今年三四月有被入侵,现在正在全面清查,到底有哪些东西被偷走。

6.Our hero of the game, a poor pttle dog was an apen intrusion into a monster, you can help it face up to it?我们的游戏主角,一只可怜的小狗被异形怪物侵扰着,你能帮助它勇敢面对吗?

7.Some agencies don't seem to mind this intrusion, as it's an external marker of their building's strategic importance.一些部门看上去并不介意这些干扰,因为这是表明他们大楼具有战略重要性的外部标识。

8.A comprehensive, yet easy to use network protection software, you can ensure that your computer is not by any hacker intrusion.一个全面,却又复杂易用的网络攻护软件,可以确保您的计算机没有被免何黑主侵扰。

9.It is as if speaking out is becoming a compulsory contribution to the cause, and intrusion into privacy not gossip but therapy.就好像他们的出柜已经成为对同志解放的一种贡献和义务,一种正面的鼓励,而不是对隐私的干涉和八卦。

10.Marriages might experience a bit of an intrusion at this time.近期婚姻会遭遇第三者的入侵,也许此时体验闯入的位。