



美式发音: [rɪˈtɔrt] 英式发音: [rɪˈtɔː(r)t]


v.反驳;照样报复;反责;反驳 (on, upon, against)


第三人称单数:retorts  现在分词:retorting  过去式:retorted  同义词


v.respond,snap,rejoin,come back,counter


v.1.反驳;照样报复2.回嘴,反责3.反击,回嘴,反驳 (on, upon, against)


v.1.to reply immediately in an angry or humorous way to something that someone has said2.to give something as an argument in reply to someone elses argument

n.1.an angry or humorous reply that you make immediately to something that someone has said2.a glass container shaped pke a ball with a long narrow tube at one side, used for heating substances in laboratories

1.反驳了 的轻率举动,被反映到德国国会,受到严厉批评,国会反驳了retorted )外交部的谬论:” that the migration to "standardis…

2.曲颈瓶 mute: 哑的;沉默的;无声的 retorted: 反驳,顶嘴;曲颈瓶 deteriorates: 恶化,变坏 ...


1."I pttle thought, " retorted Martin, "but a month ago, that I should be breaking bread and pouring wine with you. I drink to you. "马丁回答道,“我在一个月以前还想不到现在会跟你在一起共餐饮酒,我为你干杯。”

2.His French colleague, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, retorted that in a marriage one did not invite strangers into the bedroom.而时任法国财政部长的多米尼克·施特劳斯·卡恩反驳道:“在婚礼上,人们不会邀请陌生人进入卧室。”

3.If he threatened to run away she retorted by a threat to kill him. And she said it as if she meant it.假如他威胁说要逃走,她便针锋相对地威胁要杀了他,而且她全是当真说的。

4."Don't look at me, " Daisy retorted, "I've been trying to get you to New York all afternoon. "“别盯着我看,”黛西回嘴说,“我整个下午都在动员你上纽约去。”

5."You used to say he was a man of ideas, " she retorted, unconcipated.你以前经常说他是个很有想法的人。

6.To which Martha always retorted that she would end up disgustingly rich without having to marry anybody.作为反驳,玛莎总是说她死也不喜欢为了钱而嫁给某人的想法。

7."Do not be so quick! " retorted Dumbledore, who smiled in an irritating manner.“别着急!”邓布利多回答道,露出气人的微笑。

8.I shall not meddle in the matter, '' I retorted again.我不管这闲事,’我反唇相讥。

9.I retorted angrily: "their vocal cord sounds as if it was kissed by god, without any hurt. "我气愤地反驳说,他们的声带仿佛被上帝吻过,一点都没有的伤。

10."We'd have had a young gentleman to meet you, if we had known you were coming, " retorted Master Kidderminster, nothing abashed.“如果我们早知道你们要来,就会请一位年轻的绅士来接待你们了,”基德敏士特君一点不害臊地回答着。