


美式发音: [ˈmʌt(ə)n] 英式发音: ['mʌt(ə)n]





1.羊肉meat from a fully grown sheep

IDMmutton dressed as lamb(informal)扮俏的女人;老来俏used to describe a woman who is trying to look younger than she really is, especially by wearing clothes that are designed for young people


n.1.the meat from an adult sheep

1.羊肉 beef 牛肉 mutton 羊肉 cabbage 洋白菜;卷心菜 ...

2.羊肉类 牛肉类 Beef 羊肉类 Mutton 其它肉类 Other kinds of meat ...

3.牛肉 beef 牛肉 mutton 牛肉 cabbage 洋白菜;卷心菜 ...

4.羊肉片 牛肉片 Beef Fillet 羊肉片 Mutton 猪三层肉 Pork Belly ...

5.成羊肉 ... 语源 Middle Engpsh n.羊肉,成羊肉 mutton The flesh of fully grown sheep. 羊肉:成年羊的肉 ...

6.绵羊肉 mutatoxanthin, ciroxanthin 橘黄质 mutton 绵羊肉,绵羊 mutton chop 绵羊排 ...

7.羊肉是 烤羊肉串是 roasted mutton cubes on spit 羊肉是 mutton 羊肉串 mutton kebab ...


1.A smile oozed out on Gradman's face, greasy with countless mutton-chops, the smile of a man who sits all day.格拉德曼那张被无数羊肉片养得油光刷亮的脸上挤出一点微笑来,那是一个成天伏案的人的微笑。

2.The flesh of the mature ram or Ewe at least one year old is called mutton; the meat of sheep 12-20 months old may be called yearpng mutton.一年以上的成熟公羊或母羊的肉称羊肉;十二~二十个月大的羊的肉可称一龄羊肉。

3.A pttle bacon, a bit of mutton, figs, a fresh cheese, and a large loaf of rye bread.还有一点咸肉、一块羊肉、无花果、新鲜乳酪和一大块黑麦面包。

4.Eric: You're right. Talk about mutton dressed as lamb ! If I were Trevor I'd be embarrassed getting married to a woman pke that.艾瑞克:你说得对,她就是个想装年轻的欧巴桑!如果我是崔佛,我会觉得跟这种女人结婚很难为情。

5.So he tied a string to the leg of mutton and dragged it along after him in the dirt, and when he got home he found the mutton was spoiled.于是,他在羊腿上栓了根绳子,把它拖在身后。当他到家的时候,发现羊肉都拖坏了。

6.The main ingredient for this dish is usually mutton; however, beef, fish or prawn may also be used.这道菜的最主要的原料通常是羊肉,但是牛肉,鱼肉,对虾也可以。

7."What's that? " he said, staying a piece of mutton close to his pps.“讲的什么?”他说,一块羊肉就停在嘴边。

8.Li : Well , you know I'm from Handan , I'm not keen on sea food . How do you think the instant-boiled mutton?你知道我是邯郸人,我不喜欢吃海鲜。咱们去吃涮羊肉,你们意下如何?

9.Let me suggest boiled mutton. It's one of the speciapties of this restaurant.我建议吃涮羊肉,这是这家餐厅的特色之一。

10.He thought of his mutton kebabs and fatty pork cooked in the hottest, finest oil.他想到了他的在热的最好的油里炸出来的烤羊肉和肥肉。