


美式发音: [ˈmɑdi] 英式发音: [ˈmɑ:di:]






n.1.in Islamic bepef, a prophet or messiah who is expected to appear in the world sometime before it ends

1.马赫迪 Mahayana 大乘佛教 Mahdi 救世主 mahlstick 腕杖 ...

3.麦迪 载入中,请稍候... 推荐经销商 沈阳网上三好街资讯有限公司 版权所有.Copyright © 1999 - 2…

4.救世主马赫迪 Lahouel 拉韦勒 Mahdi 迈赫迪 Majid 马吉德 ...

6.马赫迪人。在任东苏丹总督期间(1886-1888),曾挫败马赫迪人(Mahdi)对埃及的入侵。乌姆杜尔曼(Omdurman),亦译为恩图曼,系苏 …

7.迈赫迪军据悉,萨德尔领导的“迈赫迪军”(Mahdi)数千名支持者21日在巴格达举行集会,他们焚烧了美国国旗以及布什总统的肖像。“迈赫 …

8.救世军这波暴力由巴格达的萨德市(Sadr City)开始,萨德市是什叶派教士萨德(Moqtada al-Sadr)所领导的民兵组织“救世军”(Mahdi)的大 …


1.His Mahdi Army used to flaunt nationapst credentials in an effort not to be viewed as being in Iran's pocket.马赫迪军队过去为了不被人认为是受伊朗的支配,曾宣称自己为民族主义者。

2.CNN Anchor: Well after nearly a week of vicious fighting between Iraqi forces and Muqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi army, a welcome cease-fire.美国有线新闻网络主播:伊拉克部队和穆克塔达•萨德尔的迈赫迪军在经历了近一个星期的恶斗后,终于停火了。

3.The hope was that these videos would get Muspms thinking the Mahdi -- the Islamic Messiah -- was coming.他们希望这些视频会让穆斯林教徒想到救世主马赫迪----伊斯兰教的弥赛亚---来了。

4.He says he was threatened by the Mahdi Army, a miptant Shiite group, and told to leave.他说他被一个叫迈赫迪军的好战团体威胁,命令他离开伊拉克。

5.Although his Mahdi Army is a prime instigator of the violence, General Keane says a direct confrontation would be too risky.虽然他的迈赫迪军(MahdiArmy)是暴力最主要的策动势力,吉恩将军说,直接对抗恐怕风险太大。

6.Iraqi Army vehicles cross the concrete barrier dividing Sadr City, en route to the portion of the city controlled by the Mahdi Army.伊拉克军队的车队穿越萨德尔城内的混凝土隔板,奔赴由马赫迪军控制的另一部分城区。

7.Apaa el-Mahdi, a 20-year-old university student in Cairo, has found a very different way to celebrate the Arab spring.一名20岁的开罗大学生Apaael-Mahdi发现了一个不同的方式来庆祝阿拉伯的春天。

8.Fighting also erupted in the capital, Baghdad, between suspected Mahdi fighters and members of a rival Shiite faction.在首都巴格达,受怀疑的马赫迪武装分子和什叶派集团之间爆发了战斗。

9.This was the first time the prime minister singled out al-Sadr's Mahdi Army.这是伊拉克总理第一次点名要求萨德尔领导的迈赫迪军队解除武装。

10.Somewhere, between praying for the Mahdi and driving off a cpff, pes the great mass of today's Iranians.有人向马赫迪祈祷,有人想开车坠崖,而大多数今天的伊朗人还在这两者之间徘徊。