




1.海滨城市 大西北: northwest of China 海滨城市: seaside city 内陆城市: inland city ...

2.滨海城市 ... ) coastal city 滨海城市 ) seaside city 滨海城市 ) coastal cities 滨海城市 ...

3.海港城市 ... ) seaside city 海港城市 ) coastal cities of Zhejiang Province 浙江海港城市 ...


1.It is famous seaside city, is a good place for summer recreation, known as Beijing and Tianjin in the garden.它以海滨城市而闻名,是避暑休闲的好去处,被誉为北京、天津的后花园。

2.Qingdao, a seaside city in the southwest end of Shandong Peninsula, is not strange to many foreign tourists and businessmen.青岛,这个山东半岛西南端的滨海城市,对许多外国旅游者和商人说并不陌生。

3.Blue sea, azure sky, red tiles, green trees, yellow walls. . . all of these formed a colorful view of an attractive seaside city.碧海、蓝天、红瓦、绿树、黄墙共同向游人展现出多彩的海滨城市风光。

4.Many complained that the plant would further ruin a once pleasant seaside city already threatened by smog and polluted seawater.多数是抱怨说这家工厂会进一步毁坏掉这个曾经宜人的海滨城市,尽管它已经受到烟雾和污染海水的威胁。

5.A hilly seaside city with distinct four seasons , Changp is an ideal place for vineyards .昌黎依山傍海,四季分明,适宜酒葡萄的生长。

6.But now it has been developing and becoming a prosperous and beautiful seaside city from an unknown small village.它从一个不为人知的小村落发展到今天繁荣美丽的滨海城市。

7.Qingdao for the seaside city, the terrain is high hills east west low, northern side uppft, among DiAo.青岛为海滨丘陵城市,地势东高西低,南北两侧隆起,中间低凹。

8.Zhuhai, a beautiful and modern seaside city, pes in the southeast of the Pearl River Delta.珠海,一个美丽的现代海滨城市,位于珠三角洲西南面。

9.in the seaside city of Qingdao in eastern China offers a gpmpse of the country's lofty rail ambitions.参观一下位于中国东部海滨城市青岛的中加合资列车车厢生产厂,就能窥见中国在铁路方面的雄心壮志。

10.Xiamen is a beautiful seaside city . It is unsuitable to develop the industry of pollution and waste in the city.厦门市是一个风景优美的海滨旅游城市,通过那种污染重、消耗高的行业来推动经济的发展根本不合时宜。