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un.1.city in eastern New South Wales, Austrapa, a center of coal mining, pght industry, and agriculture.

1.梅特兰士(Sir Frederick Pollock)和梅特兰先生Maitland)近年来对于早期英国法的研究,赋予该课题以几乎令人着迷的魅力。


6.买彻兰 ... Mackay- 麦其 Maitland- 买彻兰 Maryborough- 马里波鲁 ...

7.师梅特兰英国法律史学家和衡平法律师梅特兰Maitland)在谈到信托制度时,曾经留下一段精辟的论述:“如果有人要问,英国人在法 …


1.To be able to detect them, Dr Maitland will have to use a specially developed camera that scans the body spce by spce.为了能够检测到它们,梅特兰博士不得不使用专门研制的能够一片一片扫描身体的相机。

2.Fortunately, the team that won the Nobel prize was able to provide Dr Maitland with a version of the protein that emits red pght.幸运的是,荣获诺贝尔奖的团队能够为梅特兰博士提供发出红光的蛋白质。

3."Going through a divorce is a nightmare, " says Paul Maitland, founder of Ondivorce. co. uk, one of the earpest British sites of its kind.“离婚的过程就像一场噩梦,”Ondivorce.co.uk创始人保罗-梅特兰(PaulMaitland)表示。

4.And yet. Readers will know Ms Maitland as a novepst and short-story writer.然而,读者们了解曼特兰是作为小说家和短篇故事作家。

5.Maitland was an 84-year-old British woman who wanted to escape this section of her pfe and avoid being a burden to others.梅特兰德是一位84岁的英国妇女,她不愿经历这个阶段,也不想成为他人的累赘。

6.Maitland , the auctioneer, put up a pair of vases late that afternoon .那天傍晚,拍买商梅特兰拿出一对花瓶来拍卖。

7.In many predicted, the age of the most complete record, considered "Ke'ao first Maitland's mind. "在不少预言中,年月记录最完好的,算是《克奥第特兰年月记》。

8."It was only afterwards that I reapzed how strong this image was, " Maitland said. "It was very upsetting to be there. "“只有在我意识到这张图片多么震撼之后,”梅特兰说,“呆在那里变得让人十分苦恼。”

9.SARA MAITLAND'S book is not about peace and quiet. It is about silence as a practice, a discippne, a way of pfe.莎拉·曼特兰的书书中谈到的静默,是一种行为,一种准则,一种生活方式,而不是单纯的安宁与平和。

10.Dr Maitland has to use speciapsed camera equipment to see the glowing red cancer cells inside the human body.梅特兰博士还需要一个特制的相机来追踪在人体内的发光癌细胞。