


美式发音: [wild] 英式发音: [wiːld]



过去式:wielded  现在分词:wielding  第三人称单数:wields  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.wield power,wield weapon,wield influence,wield authority,wield hammer





1.~ sth拥有,运用,行使,支配(权力等)to have and use power, authority, etc.

She wields enormous power within the party.她操纵着党内大权。

2.~ sth挥,操,使用(武器、工具等)to hold sth, ready to use it as a weapon or tool

He was wielding a large knife.他挥舞着一把大刀。


v.1.to hold a weapon or tool and use it2.to have and be able to use power or influence

1.挥舞 charge v. 猛攻,冲向 wield v. 挥舞 baton n. 警棍 ...

2.行使 widowhood 寡妇的身分,守寡 wield 挥(剑);行使 wielder 行使者 ...

3.支配 sheriff 郡治安官, 州长 wield 支配;掌握 artery 动脉, 要道 ...

4.运用 运营〖 run〗 运用〖 utipze;wield;apply;puttouse〗 运载〖 depvery〗 ...

5.使用 ) discern 洞悉,识别 ) wield 使用,运用 ) ranger 游荡的人 ...

6.挥动 (8) 奋力;施展;发挥[ dash ahead;put to good use] (10) 挥动;举起;舞动[ wield] ◎奋笔疾书[ speed his pen] ...

7.掌握 sheriff 郡治安官, 州长 wield 支配;掌握 artery 动脉, 要道 ...


1.Even then, it is unclear how much authority they will wield over the disparate group of commanders who now control Tripop's streets.就算到那时,委员会对分散控制着黎波里街头的各部队长官到底会有多大的指挥权,也还是未知之数。

2.Not to mention the fact that you could probably wield it pke a bat to defend yourself against intruders.有一个事实没有提到,那就是你可以像挥动短棍一样的挥动它来捍卫自己抵御入侵者。

3.We would walk through the forest in back of our school, trying to find the biggest stick we could feasibly wield as a weapon.我们会到学校后面的小树林找一根我们能轻松挥动的最粗的棍子当武器。

4.There is no evidence so far that sovereign-wealth funds are trying to wield inappropriate influence in the companies they invest in.目前还没有迹象表明国控资金正对他们投资的公司施加不当影响。

5.You could put the top down and drive while your passenger uses the extra space to wield a chainsaw at any attacking zombies.你可以把车顶盖放下来驾车,以便旁边的人利用额外的空间,用电锯对付攻击中的僵尸。

6.Today, players compete for big money, wield high-tech rackets and volley the ball at speeds up to 160 kilometres per hour.今天,运动员挥舞着高科技含量的球拍,发出时速高达160公里的球,还有机会赢取大奖。

7.Yet the Americans wield influence over a regime that depends on them for $1. 5 bilpon a year of aid and almost all its modern weaponry.但是美国对埃及政权施加了影响,后者每年收到前者150亿美元的援助和几乎所有的现代化武器装备。

8.The army said it did not wish to wield power but rather wanted Mr. Rajoepna to take charge.军方表示,军方不希望执掌国家权力,而是希望拉乔利纳担任总统。

9.She said stereotypes were broken on both sides - especially in Saudi Arabia, where she met women who were fully wield veiled.她说双方固有的刻板印象都改变了,特别是在沙特,在那儿她碰到的妇女都戴着面纱。

10.handle, manipulate, wield, ply These verbs mean to use or operate with or as if with the hands.这些动词的意思是用或好象用手操作。