


美式发音: [ˌmælˈfɔrmd] 英式发音: [ˌmælˈfɔː(r)md]








1.畸形的badly formed or shaped


adj.1.badly formed or shaped

1.畸形的 Make 建立 制作 malformed 有缺陷 畸形的 Manipulate 操作 管理 ...

2.难看的 with acne 脸上有痘的 malformed 难看的 帅: handsome... ...

3.畸形怪 ... 魔录施法者 Morlu Caster 畸形怪 Malformed 沙漠苦行僧 Desert Dervish ...

4.格式不正确 "Maldives" 马尔代夫" "malformed" 格式不正确" "malfunction" 故障" ...

5.制作不良的 ... malfeasant 做坏事的,渎职的 malformed 制作不良的 malfunction n. 故障,障碍 ...

6.主体的错误格式表示 KRB5_PARSE_ILLCHAR 组件名称存在非法字符 KRB5_PARSE_MALFORMED 主体的错误

7.错误格式的 ... Malformed request body 错误格式的请求主体 Malformed 错误格式的 Marker 标记 ...


1.By sending a malformed request, it is possible to carry out a buffer overrun attack against an affected system.通过发送不良请求,恶意用户可能会对受影响的系统发动缓冲区溢出攻击。

2.A rare case of an erupted compound odontoma associated with a malformed and dilacerated maxillary left lateral incisor is reported.一例罕见的复合齿瘤的发生与一个恶意的和弯曲左上颌侧切报道。

3.Huntington's disease is one of a number of degenerative diseases marked by clumps of malformed protein in brain cells.亨廷顿病是一种大量的脑细胞内蛋白变质为特征的一大类疾病中的一种。

4.To meet a great expert in a field and regard him as a malformed child is not a winning social grace.迎接一个在某个领域的伟大的专家并把他看成一个畸形的孩子不是个好的社会风尚。

5.If the heart be malformed, the condition may be ascertained by the X-ray examination.假如心脏呈畸形,这种状况即可用爱克斯光检查确定。

6.Objective To sum up the cpnical experience in the early diagnosis and obstetrical treatment of malformed uterine pregnancy.目的总结畸形子宫妊娠的早期诊断及产科处理经验。

7.The number of incoming packets per second silently discarded for a reason other than malformed, bad authenticators , or unknown types.除了格式不对、坏的身份验证程序或未知类型等原因之外而放弃的每秒输入数据包数目。

8.User input into a Windows Forms can include potentially invapd, malformed, or mapcious information.用户输入到Windows窗体中的内容会包含可能无效的、格式错误的或怀有恶意的信息。

9.A long time ago, in a world far away, the malformed had no place in common society.很久以前,在一个遥远的世界,畸形者不见容于正常社会。

10.You don't need to make a sound while your five good neurons crank out the next malformed sentence from your cretaceous skull, numb nuts.你没必要在仅存的五个健全脑细胞从白垩纪脑袋里挤出畸形答案时发出声音,呆瓜。