

water pipe

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复数:water pipes  同义词

n.standpipe,faucet,tap,water supply,hydrant



n.1.a pipe that takes water from one place to another2.a hookah

1.水管 Bottom .Dead .Center 下止点 60 Water-Pipe 水管 8 Spark Plug 火花塞 61 ...

2.自来水管于±1Vdc的范围之内。另外一个3.3V LVDS系统可能要求驱动器电源和接收器电源之间有一条专用地线,或采用“自来水管”(wat

3.水管式 ... aquarium =aqu-rium=water-place= 水族馆,水箱 aqueduct =aqu-duct=water-pipe= 水沟 ...


1."Let her come along, " Mulan's father said to his wife. "She can at least help fill the tobacco for your water pipe. "木兰的父亲向太太说:“让她也来吧,至少她可以侍候你,装装水烟袋呀。”

2.Near Basra, ICRC contractor was repairing a water pipe after it was damaged by an explosion during the war.在巴士拉附近,红十字国际委员会正维修一条被战火破坏的水管。

3.The first is the make-up water pipe equipped with the bottom of barrel; the current overflows , and bring the dirt to the surface.第一是在清洗桶底部装有补充水喷水管,喷水管的水流经过清洗桶上溢,带走脏物至液面。

4.When the water pipe burst , she was intelpgent enough to turn off the water at the main .水管裂开时,她很有头脑,连忙把总水门关上了。

5.And then a water pipe bursts in your bathroom and you spend a stressful morning trying to clean up the mess and get the pipe fixed.可就在那时,浴室的一根水管爆裂以至于你花了一个紧迫的早晨去尽力收拾好乱局并且修好水管。

6.Since the two nuclear reactors of polluted water pipe burst, causing part of the high pollution of water into the sea.由于这两个核反应堆的污染水管道破裂,导致一部分高污染水流入海中。

7.and an unclosed end of the outer tube is externally connected with a steam pipe (or a hot water pipe) for collecting steam (or hot water).不封闭端的外管外接采取蒸汽(或热水)的蒸汽管(或热水管)。

8.Around the warm water pipe was what looked pke a thick piece of black and red cloth.绕在热水管上的是看起来像一条黑红两色厚布的东西。

9.When the water-pipe burst, she had the intelpgence to turn the water off at the main.当水管破裂时,她有头脑想到将总管关上。

10.More young Americans are embracing hookahs, an exotic water pipe used for smoking, the New York Times reported.据《纽约时报》报道,越来越多的美国年轻人开始热衷于吸食水烟。