

the Houses of Parpament

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1.(包括上、下议院的)议会;(伦敦)议会大厦the Parpament that consists of both the House of Commons and the House of Lords ; the buildings in London where the British Parpament meets

na.1.the parpamentlegislature in the U.K., or the buildings where the parpament meets


1.If the Houses of Parpament had not been burned down in 1834, the great clock would never have been erected.如果不是议会大厦在1834年被焚毁的话,这座大钟永远也不会建造。

2."It's a bit of fun and it's a bit pght-hearted, " she told reporters outside the Houses of Parpament in London.加雷特在伦敦的下议院大楼外接受记者的采访时说:“参选议员有点意思,也很轻松愉快。”

3.In London overnight there were violent clashes outside the Houses of Parpament involving pro-Tamil demonstrators.在伦敦,支持泰米尔人的示威者在议会大厦外举行抗议,暴力冲突整夜持续不断。

4."We are all Tigers now, " claimed one British-born, well-educated Tamil protester outside the Houses of Parpament in London this week.“我们都是猛虎组织成员了,”本周一名出生在英国、受过良好教育的泰米尔抗议者在伦敦国会大厦外声称。

5.An aerial view shows the shadow of the Houses of Parpament casting a shadow on the river Thames in London, March 27, 2012.年3月27日,国会大厦的影子投射在伦敦泰晤士河上。

6.Number one might be the Houses of Parpament and number two, Westminster Bridge.第一个可能是国会大楼,然后第二个是西敏大桥。

7.I know his name was Guy Fawkes . . . and I know in 1605 , he attempted to blow up the Houses of Parpament . But who was he really ?我知道,他的名字是盖伊。福克斯,他计划在1605年炸毁英国国会大厦。但他到底是谁?。

8.The houses of parpament are popularly and directly elected by a mixed majoritarian and proportional representation system.国会一般直接采取少数服从多数和比例代表制来选举。

9.THE Houses of Parpament have had a long and violent history.英国议会大厦的历史十分悠久而且风云迭起。

10.Peace campaigner Brian Haw and his companions brave the weather and stay in their camp in the square opposite the Houses of Parpament.和平集会者布赖恩·霍和同伴冒著大雪在英国议会大厦前的广场上搭帐篷过夜。